[ 02:00:00 ]

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Because it took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to an abrupt change in light intensity, Marvin was unable to recognize what was on the top of the computer desk under the blazing light. But even if his eyes had adjusted to the blinding lights, his mind remained unable to recognize the type of animal that was in front of him.

Marvin was torn between believing it and considering it a trick of light and restlessness: a creature was in front of his eyes.

Aye! Aye Capt'n! Sure it's Boinkie-Toinkie shir Marvie! Charlie commented on Marvin's thoughts. Marvin blinked and rubbed his eyes but the creature—the beast—only became more and more realistic in his sight. The beast stared at him with a pair of red marble-like eyes having the features like that of a goat's. The beast's entire form resembled a lion having a snake's skin instead of fur. There were creeping tentacles around its head. Its snout was consist of vertical slits which serve as its nostrils. The orifice below its snout was a set of fangs arranged in a spiraling pattern. Those slavering teeth were twitching as if for grinding purposes. At the center of its oral cavity was a pair of slithering forked tongues which was trying to reach Marvin's face in a few inches as he remained motionless. He was petrified in his position. He couldn't move a muscle and never had a plan of doing so.

Boo! his sleepy voice came into his mind. Sure the word did not sound creepy until he heard it in his mind.

That's a Toinkie! Charlie's voice came back.

No Charlie Toinkie that's for real. And no Boinkies nor Toinkies this time pal, his voice came chilling his spine. It was a cold version of his voice.

The beast grunted. The sound of its twitching teeth reminded Marvin of the clicking sound of the keyboard as fingers pushed them. The creature suddenly vomited a few liters of crimson stinking fluid on him: the same colors as that smear on his cheeks. His legs remained frozen in the very same spot. His brains worked a little Boinkie and Toinkie as the cold realization slithered swiftly from his spine down to all ends of his nerves. There was an abrupt feeling of being splashed with ice-cold water to Marvin's entire form. The creature made a few steps forward using its spiky—quill-covered—paws.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Marvin stuttered under his breath as the creature started to come closer to him. Its front legs stepped on the edge of the desk leaning forward. Its snout moved with the slits on it opening and closing as if sniffing him. At any moment, the force of gravity would persist and the weight of the creature would make the desk reach its elasticity limit and surely the creature would come falling towards Marvin.

This isn't real. It's all in the mind. This is just an imagination. Yeah, a Boinkie Toinkie Boo. My brain is just tired and I just need some sleep.

No. No, no, no, no.

I am already asleep and this is a dream. Yeah, I'm just experiencing REM—the Rapid Eye Movement. That's it! I'm just tired that's why I am sleeping without the recollection of falling asleep.

Marvin was preoccupied with his thoughts and realizations. His brain tried so hard to grasp and comprehend what was going on: it was trying to formulate a plausible explanation regarding its external stimuli. Marvin was so absorbed by his thoughts that he was blank and unresponsive to the external environment as he continued his mental soliloquy. Now, what I need to do is to wake up. I need to scream or fall from my seat or concentrate on the clamor...

That's impossible pal, Jarred's mocking voice came inside his head from nowhere. It's because they are all dead. We are all DEAD! And the Time Condensing Chamber is in dead silence in the dead of the night pal!

But the creature can't be real. Marvin tried to convince himself.

You funnie shir Marvie. Charlie's little voice came. It was soothing for a moment. That ith real Captain. No Toinkies nor Boinkies this time pah. It's a real BOO!

NO! Marvin disagreed and waited for Charlie to say I'm jus Jokie an making you Toinkie just like what he used to say when he screamed and pretended to see a Kraken or the Lochness. Marvin stumbled in his mind and reached a particular memory that took him away from the mind-bending situation he was in.

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