Our meet

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Legosi POV:
It's been a day since Tem died, and it's sad that he never got the chance to confess to Els. He was a great guy... he didn't care that I was a carnivore... we were close friends and he'd share everything with me... It's sad he ended like this...
Girls: OMG, it's Louis!!! He looks even better in real life!!!
Legosi POV: huh..? He must be that Luois everyone is talking about... he looks so perfect, looks so fierce, and strong. His horns are so flawless, and shiny. He looks so......
Louis: you're staring.
Legosi: oh, sorry *looks away*
Louis: I see it's a wolf thing to be rude at times. Follow me.
Legosi: ...Ok...
At Louis' office
Louis: Here take a seat... we the beastars have decided that you are going to be the replacement for Tem.
Legosi: huh? What...?
Louis: without further to do, we are expecting you to memorize your lines by next week... don't let us down, will you.
Legosi: y-yes....
Louis: now I was wondering if you'd like to help me.
Legosi: yes? With?
Louis: so I was wondering if you'd be willing to rehearse with me at night? As you know I'm the main character and I need to impress the new comers... and in return I'll give you one of my legs. This is a chance you'll never get. You're a wolf after all won't you take a chance. Meet me at the theater entrance at midnight sharp. Think about this well.
At midnight
Louis: so you have decided to show up. I see you're more of a wolf than I thought.
Legosi: I'm not here for your leg...
Louis: then what are you here for?
Legosi: .....*shrugs*
Louis: then let's go inside.
Legosi: ok
Louis: don't worry princess I'll save you! I am the the fire, the ground, the water, and air! You shall not never lay a single hand on her! *trips on stage cords* Aha!
Legosi: Louis!! *grabs Louis and fall together* (y'all know that scene)
Legosi: are you fine?
Louis: why'd you do that? Now you're hurt!
Legosi: actor's safety first.
Louis: *mumbles* thanks I guess....

The end.

Lol . Jk Imma finish this but ran out of ideas

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