Where are you

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Legosi: Louis? *runs to someone in Louis' house* *finds Oguma* d-do you know wheres Louis?
Oguma: he was with you. I haven't seen him leave his room after you came. Why what happened?
Legosi: ...h-he's gone....
Oguma: have you checked the bathrooms or the kitchen?
Legosi: t-there w-was blood on the floor....
Oguma: maybe he shed his antlers.
Legosi: no! Why aren't you worried at all?! He is gone and you keep asking me questions and trynna avoid everything to do with Louis! He's your son!
Oguma: *picks up phone* yes?
Phone: so, Louis is nowhere to be seen. What do we do?
Oguma: tch that boy is nothing but trouble. I'll call you back in a bit. *hangs up* so where we're we? Ah yeah, Louis. I just need someone to continue my company. I paid for him, and grew him up. It is now his responsibility to make the right choice. It's his own decision and his consequences, and plus, it was your responsibility to be his bodyguard.
Legosi: ...it is my fault and I will find Louis, but how... how could you! How can you be so heartless!
Oguma: don't talk to me like that! Now go! I do not wish to see you in my house.
Legosi: I will find him, and you will treat him better.
Oguma: tch.
Legosi POV:
W-where could he be..? !!! H-his smell. I... I just have to remember... pure, sweet, clean... aha I found it! *follows the scents*
???: I think you bit him too hard! We cant lose him! We need him alive! God damn it!
???: well, sorry! My bad!
Louis' dream:
Oguma: here Louis, look! Isn't this place great?
Louis: whoa... it's so cool!
Oguma: here, let's go. There are more places to explore.
Louis: yay!
Louis: father? Let's go outside.
Oguma: not now, I'm busy.
Louis: ok...
Oguma: there's something I need you to do right now.
Louis: yes?
Oguma: go to the kitchen, Free will tell you what to do.
Louis: ok...
*in the kitchen*
Free: hello, here's your food.
Louis: what is this?
Free: it's high class meat, rich in flavor and fresh.
Louis: b-but... I don't want to...
Free: sir, please take a seat and eat. It's your father's will, you wouldn't want to disobey. Now please, eat.
Louis: ... *takes a bite*
Louis POV:
And that's the first time I've ever tried meat... a herbivore... meat... I'm eating one of my own... with eat bite... from each bite... I hear the screams of those herbivores... I... I'm sorry...
I look at a mirror in front of me and see that little fawn locked in a cage... crying and screaming for help... this weak creature inside me... still exists....
???: *splash* wake up!
Louis: h-huh! *moves back* Where am I?
???: don't worry. *comes closer and grabs mouth* everything will be fine.
Louis: *bites* get your filthy hands off of me! *spits*
???: God damn it! *punches* I see you're a different one. Heh interesting. You're worth more than I thought. You'll be a good bunch of money.
Louis: *nose bleed* you'll regret...
(Both ???s go downstairs)
Legosi POV:
*sniff sniff* he's somewhere near! *sniff* in that building! *slowly enters* huh there's no one guarding this place? I guess I can go in the-
???: hey so what will we do with the deer?
???: we'll call his father and trade him for money.
???: that's sooo cool! How much?
???: a couple million. Well the thing is. His father will think that we'll give his son back, but in reality we won't.
???: what do you mean?
???: after we get the money from Oguma, we'll run away with Louis and he'll be our little feast.
???: yeah! I'm down!
???: ok. Go upstairs, Louis is up there.
???: ok. *leaves somewhere*
Legosi POV:
I need to get to Louis as fast as I can! *upstairs*
???: hey! Intruder! What do you want!
Louis: Legosi!
Legosi: Louis you're alive! I came here to take back Louis.
Louis: of course I'm alive...
???: stope the chit chat! hah, like hell I'd give him.
Legosi: *moves closer* give him to me. *growls*
???: s-stay away! I'm warning you! *pulls out knife*
Legosi: careful with that thing.
???: don't tell me what to do!
Legosi: *gets closer and grabs the knife*
???: hey! Give it ba-
Legosi: *punches* I hope he doesn't die...
Louis: no, he won't. By the way, thanks for saving me.
Legosi: no problem! *unties Louis* a-are you ok? Y-you're bleeding.
Louis: *wipes snout* ugh. I'm fine. Just a small punch.
Legosi: o-ok. Let's get out of here.
Louis: ok.
???: hey, I called Oguma. Huh? Where's everyone? Where's Louis!!!
Legosi: hey let me help you out, your neck is also bleeding... what happened?
Louis: oh, it's nothing, how are you?
Legosi: I'm ok... but are you sure you'll be fi-
Louis: yes, I'm sure. Let's go home.
Legosi: o-ok... (-/////-)

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