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Legosi POV:
I woke up a bit earlier than usual today. I look over to sleeping Louis and give him a kiss on his forehead. He looked so peaceful and cute. I started getting up but felt him grip onto me.
Legosi: L-Louis? Are you awake?
I ask him... no reply. I didn't want to wake him up so I stay in bed a bit more.
*20mins later*
20 minutes later I felt Louis moving and waking up.
Legosi: Hey, good morning Louis. How'd you sleep?
Louis: Mmm... good morning babe. Good.
Legosi: That's good. Well I'll go and make breakfast.
Louis: Ok, I'll change in the meantime.
Legosi: Ok.
I get out of bed, exit my room and head to the kitchen.
Legosi: Good morning gramps. How'd you sleep?
Gosha: I actually slept really good. My didn't experience back pain for the first time in a while. How about you?
Legosi: I um need to tell you something. I know it was very immature of me to do so, but I did it anyways, and I didn't get your approval and I'm sor-
Right as I was about to finish my sentence gramps put a finger in his mouth taking out some venom and asked me...
Gosha: What happened!? Did something happen?
Legosi: No, no, no. Gramps it's not like that. You don't have to involve your venom. It's just tha-
And again I was interrupted by Louis comming out of my room with a oversized shirt on him... it was my shirt.... and he.. he didnt have anything on except for my shirt, which was clearly a couple sizes too big for him and I hope he has his boxers on...
Louis: Hey Legosi. Um I- Oh hello Mr. Gosha, how are you?
Gosha: ...Legosi? What's happening?
Legosi: I was going to tell you... I'm sorry for not informing you earlier. Um I let Louis stay with us... he isn't having it at his house... so I wanted to ask you if you're fine with it.
Louis: Sorry for the inconvenience... I'll leave if you'd like.
Gosha: No, no no. Sorry. You aren't going to be a burden in any way. You can stay as long as you want.
Louis: Thank you.
Gosha: No problem.
Legosi: Well that was smoother than I thought it'd be. Anyways what do you guys want for breakfast?
Gosha: Anything will do. I actually have to leave soon so I'll skip. Thanks though.
And then gramps leaves and I turn to the half naked Louis, standing there being cute doing nothing. I couldn't help but blush a bit.
Legosi: Ok. And what about you Louis?
Louis: I'll go with anything, suit yourself. Oh and... Um are there any pants that I could borrow? I was going to look for some but I didn't want to invade your property. I found this shirt on your desk and put it on but I guess its too big... so yeah...
Legosi: I... you look so cute... Um here let's go back to my room. I'll get you some pants.
Louis nods and heads back to my room, I start heading back to my room as well and when I enter I see Louis leaned over picking up some stuff off the ground and I see his... ass. I could feel my face burning red. I think I'm gonna have a nose bleed. Louis turns around to look at me and says...
Louis: Are you okay? You are a bit... red.
I didn't know what to say. I can't just straight up say that I saw his ass.... damn it what do I say...
Legosi: I... Um...
At this point I think Louis knows what's happening. A little blush appeared on his face as he chuckled in embarrassment.
Louis: You're a perv.
Legosi: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I just walked in. And I... Um... I'm sorry. I saw... your-
And again I was interrupted, but this time I'm satisfied with the interuption. I felt Louis' warm lips on mine. It didn't take long for him to break the kiss. And I looked at him. Still blushing.
Legosi: I'm sorry.
Louis: It's fine. Um... can I get some pants... I don't wanna walk around in boxers all day. I don't think you'd like that either.
He gave me a smirk after saying the last sentence. It makes me blush even more. I don't even know why...
Legosi: Oh, yeah.
I head to my wardrobe and start searching for pants.
Legosi: Do you wants long or short?
Louis: I'll go with short. Thanks.
I look at some of my shorts and take out the smallest one. If my shirt is too big than clearly my pants will be. I back and give him the shorts and turn away.
Lousi: Aww, are we shy now? You're cute, you don't have to look away. You already saw everything you could've.
Legosi: No, I respect you Louis.
Louis: ...Thanks...
I think I upset him...
Legosi: I'm sorry if I upset you...
Louis: No, no, no. It's not you. Really. Oh and do you have another shirt I could borrow?
Legosi: I think you look cute in that one though.
Louis: It's a bit too big.
Legosi: Ok, umm, let's see. I don't really have a lot of clothes so there aren't a lot of choices. I have this pain t-shirt. Here. It's smaller than the one from before.
Louis: Thanks.
He took the shirt from my hand and started striping. I look away and wait for him to finish.
Louis: Done. This one is better, thanks.
Legosi: No problem. Umm, anyways what do you wanna do today?
Louis: I don't know. Let's have some breakfast first.
Legosi: Oh, I completely forgot about breakfast. Um I'll make omelettes if you'd like.
Louis: Sounds good. Thanks.

After they eat their omelettes Legosi does the dishes and they head out.
Legosi: So where do you wanna go?
Louis: The mall? If you're down.
Legosi: Sounds great.
Louis: Ok, let's go.
After a few minutes they arrive at the mall and start going from store to store looking for new things to get. And suddenly... *bang*
Louis: L-Legosi..? W...
Louis was trembling in fer of what was going to happen.
Louis: L-Legosi d-don't...

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