just some bonus cute stuff

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Legosi POV:
It's already dark and I let Louis borrow some of my clothes.
Louis: thanks...
He slowly starts taking off his clothes and I just can't help but stare... I end up spacing out and just lose myself in my own thoughts about Louis.
Louis: h-hey... stop staring.
His body is so small and fragile looking, yet it carries such a feirce soul. H-His tail is so cute... i-it's so small and looks so fluffy! I wanna touch it... and at that moment I felt something sharp upon my face. I get my senses back and look at Louis blankly. I could feel my cheeks burn red and I'm really screwed.
Louis: you pervert! Stop staring at me like that.
Legosi: I'm so sorry! I... I umm.... spaced out and... I'm sorry...
Louis: y-you were s-staring at my tail weren't you?
Legosi: I'm sorry, it's just so hard to resist. It's too cute...
Oh no!!! Did I just say that? God no. I felt my cheeks burning as I look away. I could see Louis covering his mouth and blushing as much as I was.
Louis: s-shut up...
Legosi: c-can I touch it?
God no! Why am I saying these stuff? It's like they're coming out of my mouth without my permission, what's going on with me?!
Louis: w-what? What's gotten i-into you?
Legosi: I'm sorry. I. My... my body... I don't know what I'm saying. My words are just coming out without my permission. I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable.
Louis: ....you can t-touch my t-tail... but in return I can play with your ears.
Legosi: r-really? Are you sure?
Louis: yes, just hurry up before I change my mind.
Legosi: o-ok.
I walk towards Louis and grab his tail without thinking. It's like someone else is controlling my body... but his tail... it feels so soft and it's so fluffy. I don't wanna let go.

Louis POV:
I can't believe I just gave Legosi permission to touch my tail. I saw his tail wave when he started walking towards me and without a warning he grabs my tail and starts playing with it. I-It feels so weird... is this right? Is this wrong? What do I do? I... this feels good... and before I knew it I accidentally let out a small moan. Shit! Right away Legosi let's go of my tail and stares at me. He looks really shocked, surprised? I don't know...
Legosi: d-do you just... m-moan?
Louis: s-shut up... forget it...
Legosi: it was so cute! I didn't know you could make those kinds of sounds. It's adorable if you ask me.
I could feel my face lite up. I turned away covering my mouth, trying to hide this embarrassment. I wanna dig and hide in a hole... ugh... this is too embarrassing.
Legosi: it's your turn.
Legosi bends down and sits on his knees waiting for me to pet him. I look at those ears at just imagine the feeling before touching them in real life. As soon as I landed one of my hands on his head I could feel him blush and his tail started wagging real fast. I then slowly start rubbing his ears and slowly move my hands around on his head making his tail wag faster every time. He's so cute. His fur is really soft. It's way softer than I expected.
Louis: you look like you're enjoying this.
Legosi: no one ever did this before.
Louis: you're cute. Let's sleep.
Legosi: ok.

Legosi POV:
I start making my bed on the floor and I felt Louis' hands touch mine.
Legosi: huh? Yeah?
Louis: sleep with me... you're not sleeping on the floor.
Legosi: ugh it's fine.
Louis: sleep. with. me. Please~
Louis gave me those puppy eyes and I couldn't resist. I thought I was the only one who could do that. That little....
Legosi: o-ok.
I stop making my bed, and slowly walk towards Louis and my bed. I sit down and lay down on my bed with Louis near the wall.
Louis: see it's not that bad. Good night.
Legosi: you too.

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