Chapter One: 50 Years earlier

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"Who's up for the beach this weekend?!"

I looked up from my phone as I saw one of my friends, Frankie walk up to the table that Rogue, Robin and I were seated at in front of the McDonalds down the road from our dorm rooms. Frankie looked at all of us excitedly, expecting all of us to jump to our feet and agree to go on a two hour drive to the beach tomorrow. I looked at my friends and went back to my phone and turned the volume of the music up, pretending that I didn't hear.

Robin smiled up at Frankie before setting his Big Mac down and standing up to give her a welcoming hug. Rougue smiled at Frankie in greeting but stayed in the shade to keep her pale skin from burning. Man being a vampire must suck in the summer, probably why most of them that are in America live in cloudy Seattle. Frankie pulled up a chair and sat at the table with us , again asking if we would like to accompany her to go to the beach. She's gotten us to go to the beach all summer but all I want to do tomorrow is lounge around my dorm and prepare for school to start on Wednesday. At least the Administration is nice enough to make the first week of school only three days long instead of an aching five.

I took my ear buds out of my ears and gave Frankie a sweet smile before giving her my decline of going to the beach again and being covered sand from the constantly wet sandy floor.

" I'm sorry Frankie, I would love to go but I want to make sure that I have all my textbooks for the year tomorrow. "

Robin laughed at my lame excuse and threw a crumpled napkin at me.

" If you don't want to come you can just say so Lyric. " Frankie said to me looking hurt that I wouldn't want to go to the beach with her.

" I would love to but I'm just beached out! "

Robin and Frankie laughed at that. " You can never have too much beach. " Robin said with a smile. He was a surfing fanatic, unlike Frankie who just liked going to the beach to have a sea salt texture in her hair for the next three days so that guys will think that she's a hot surfer chic. Robin had sandy blonde hair and nicely tanned skin, if it wasn't for his small build he would look just like your typical surfer dude. But, he hasn't quite hit maturity yet so he's stuck with a tiny body and a tiny inner wolf.

Robin is a werewolf. You wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't look close enough and see that he had canines that were bigger than the rest of his teeth and his overly big pupils. Robin is what most people call a late bloomer for a werewolf. Most of them fill out by the time they're thirteen, but Robin is now sixteen and still has a very small build. His wolf is pretty small too, taking the size of a great dane, but we aren't aloud to talk about that unless we want to get cut by his claws.

" Well fine, if you don't want to go then I'll just ask Scotty if he wants to then. "

The table became silent after Frankie mentioned that name. Scotty is my boyfriend and a big pain in my ass. He's been known for cheating on me all summer while he was out of state for some special angel program and had just came back two days ago. I haven't gone and seen him at his dorm yet of course. I was still heartbroken at the news of him cheating on me with three other girls from the summer program. one of them had been bitchy enough to send me many sexy and graphic photos of them all summer and just couldn't find the guts to break it off with him. We had been together since we were only fourteen and now being seventeen I just couldn't figure out how I would dump him.  The only thing I could do was avoid him until fate forced us to bump into each other before school started.

" Woah now! Let's not get too feisty before I can get my camera out now! "

I looked up and rolled my eyes as I saw my best guy friend Ivan walk up to our table. He smiled at me and waved and I happily waved back. Me and Ivan have been friends since before I can remember. His bright blonde hair and dark green eyes made him the hottest wizard of Lucifer Academy but when I look at him all I can see is a goof ball who has always found a way to steal my food and make me laugh at the same time. He grabbed the chair next to me and plopped himself down onto it before grabbing my bacon burger and taking a bite out of it.

" Um, I believe that was mine sir. "

He barked out a laugh and patted me on the head. " People who love food are always the best kind of people Lyric. You should happy that it's not going to waste. " I shook my head and took the burger back from him and set it back down on my tray.

" If you love food so much then go buy yourself some instead of eating up all of mine. "

He gave me a toothy grin before pulling out his wallet and getting up and going inside the place to order his food. I looked down at my now mangled burger and suddenly felt let down at its failure to make me hungry. I've barely eatin anything since I've found out about Scotty and could physically see the weight drop off of me in the mirror. I needed to eat, I knew that, but couldn't find the strength to. I looked to my best girlfriend Rougue to see if she noticed and quickly looked away when I saw her studying me intently. She knew that I was upset about Scotty but I hadn't yet told her about my lack of appetite. Food is just one thing you can't really talk to a vampire about since all they eat is blood and very raw meat.

I picked up a fry and shoved it into my mouth in order to convince her that I was fine. It tasted like cardboard with some salt on it but I forced my self to swallow it and grab another one. She finally looked away when Ivan came back with a giant bag full of food. He placed the large bag down on the table and began adding up his change.

I smiled at him. " I thought you hated doing math Ivan. "

He continued counting his change and smiled. " I hate math, but you should know I love counting my money! "

I laughed and went back to eating my now cold fries when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and almost fainted when I saw who the person was that had texted me.

Scotty: We need to talk. meet me by my dorm  in an hour.

I set my phone down and closed my eyes, breathing deeply to calm myself. Looks like fate wants us to end it sooner rather than later. I said goodbye to my friends and headed to my car. It was a beat up black jeep with tinted windows and cracking leather seats but I loved it all the same. I got in and started the engine, Katy Perry began blasting through my stereo and I leaned over to turn it off, this car drive needed silence so that I could think about my speech that I would give him to break it off properly. None of that its not me its you shit, but something classic. Words that will let him down harshly but softly at the same time. Words that will scream its over.

I gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath before backing out of the crowded parking lot and driving away to face Scotty. I can do this, its only a break up right? Right, one the worst break ups that I'll probably ever do. Damn this is gonna be bad.

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