Chapter nine: Saved by the angel

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The pain wouldn't dull, no, it only got stronger as the days passed. I don't know how long I've been in here or if days have even passed at all. I stare at he cracking ceiling, wishing for my prince charming to come rescue me from the evil dragon. But this was no dragon, and there was no prince coming to get me.

The men returned what I'm assuming was last night. Is time they did rape me, but its too horrible to talk about. The demon hasn't come to see me yet, I'm assuming he has something special for me this time, he usually doesn't take his time with this stuff. I just hope he gets it done quickly, I don't want to almost die again. Not this time, no, just get it over with.

He walked in then, but this time he had a stake. I flinched back when the horrid smell of garlic came wafting from the stake. I was allergic to garlic, and blessed stakes if you didn't know that, I am a hybrid after all. All the strengths, and some of the worst weaknesses.

The demon set the stake down on the table next to me and took out his knife. He made a small cut just above my left breast before pouring some liquid into it. I screamed as a burning sensation filled my chest, it was holy water, great. My skin burned and I could feel it shriveling up around the cut and beginning to shed itself like a snake. Why was it always the burning sensation, why couldn't it just sting like a paper cut instead?

I felt my skin regrow itself and close the cut. The burning on my skin was still there but not as badly now. I looked up at the ceiling once more and screamed as loud as I could, hoping for someone to here me. If anyone could, I'm assure that they'll be better than what I'm going through. I screamed one last time before blacking out from the pain, I don't remember what else he did to me after that...

                                               *    *    *

I awoke with a start when something crumbled onto ,y face. I opened my eyes and looked up to see the ceiling slowly crumbling away. I looked around for the demon and saw that he was on the other side of the room napping on an old, tattered couch. I looked back up at the ceiling to see that a medium sized hole was somehow created. A guy that looked a little older that me slipped through the hole and silently landed on the ground beside the table I was still tied to. He was a good looking man, couldn't be any older that twenty and had magnificent wings.

But his wings weren't any wings that I've seen before. They weren't any angel or demon wings. No, they were like a strange mixture between angel and some kind of bird. But they were beautiful, he was beautiful, and it didn't help at all that he was shirtless and had a very nice six pack.

I dragged my eyes away from his muscles and looked At his face to find him staring at me. I squirmed under his intense stare and made a slight whimper in fear. His eyes widened as he turned around suddenly and saw the demon awakening, he must of heard my whimper. The mystery guys wings folded inwards towards his back and turned into giant wing tattoos on his entire back. Its a natural thing with any flying supernatural, they all have it, including myself.

The demon froze in his process on stretching and glued his eyes on the guy. He reached for his knife beside him and held it up towards the guy, his hand shaking with what I assumed was fear.

" Back off Jeremiah, this is my hybrid, you can't have her! "

The mystery guy, who's name is I assume is Jeremiah, walked towards the demon and snatched the knife from his shaking hands and threw it to the ground. The demon flinched back when Jeremiah's wings unfolded from his back once again.

" Oh but I do Alexander. You see, if I don't, then we won't win the war and be able to kill off scum like you. "

And with that, Jeremiah slapped Alexander so hard that he flew across the room and hit the wall, landed in front of me. I screamed at the suddenness and looked towards Jeremiah in terror. His eyes softened when he looked at me and slowly came forward.

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