Chapter five: They know my secret

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I woke up in a daze. I struggled to open my eyes but realized that something was covering them. It reeked of sewer water and my entire body was aching. I tried to get up but couldn't, I was tied down to something.. My breathe started to get heavy with panic.

Calm down you're fine. This is probably just some sick joke that your friends are doing.

But deep inside I knew that this wasn't a joke. I was trapped somewhere far away probably, and I couldn't be saved.

Suddenly a loud crash sounded in the distance, probably about seven feet away from where I was tied up. I struggled to free myself from my binds as I heard footsteps begin to approach me. A rough hand touched my face and I whimpered in fear. He chuckled lowly and I struggled to free myself again.

" Now now, that's not a very good idea to do little hybrid. I might have to kill you if you actually escape my binds, and we wouldn't want that to happen now would we? "

I stopped struggling at the sound of his voice. He knew my secret. But how? Only the people who attended the academy knew about my species. Sure everyone knew about the "only hybrid left on earth", but no one actually knew that it was me. I was supposed to be hidden in the academy until I turned twenty one and was able to care for myself. That's why most of the students were at the academy, to be protected from dangers that were after them, even some humans attended the academy, like Newt.

" How do you know about that? " I asked, my voice trembling with fear. He chuckled again but didn't answer as I heard him walk away from where I lay. He began to whistle an unfamiliar tune as he moved a bunch of heavy metal pieces around on what I assumed was a work table. He continued with his whistling as he walked toward me again. He took the cloth off of my eyes and I cringed at the sudden light in my eyes.

I took a good look at my captor and saw that it was the demon from the party. His black eyes bore into mine as he bent down and kissed the top of my head. I shivered at the sudden heat that was left from the kiss, so he has the fire talent, figures. He gave me a toothy grin as he straightened up and reached for the blade that he has brought from the work table. My eyes widened as I looked over the blade. It was a regular kitchen knife that you use to cut vegetables and fruits. He brought the knife to my cheek and made a little slice with it.

I cringed at the sudden pain but didn't make any noise, I knew that's what he would want. His grin got bigger as he watched the blood trickle down my face and onto the wooden table that I lay on. I closed my eyes as tears welled up in my eyes. " What do you want from me? " I asked shakily as he made another small cut just under the first one.

He stopped in his handy work and looked at me. I opened my eyes and saw that his eyes had softened just a bit. But the look of sympathy disappeared when he noticed me staring. He gripped the knife harder and dug it into my left arm. I screamed out as he began twisting the knife deeper into my arm. His eyes turned a darker shade of black and I cringed.

" You know what i want from you hybrid? I want your blood. I want to see you suffer til your last aching breathe. Your kind is the reason why us demons have to go into hiding, why we are hated so much. If you would have just listened to us when we created you then we wouldn't be in a never ending war with the humans and you wouldn't be the only living hybrid left! Do you even know why you are still alive right now? "

I shook my head when he looked at me for an answer. His grin reappeared at this and he removed the blade, causing me to scream out as more and more blood spilled from my arm.

" They kept you because you're the strongest one that they have ever found. When you become old enough they want to do some test. You've been to the doctor before for blood testing before already when you were younger. They want to build an army of hybrids to use to destroy all the supernaturals in the world. And its all because of you. Well I'm not going to just stand here and wait for them to kill me, I'm going to stop this execution before it even stops! "

He then jabbed the knife into my stomach, pain shot through my entire body when I finally realized that the blade was silver. Of course I had to be allergic to silver because of my werewolf genes so it hurt like a bitch. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would hear me. The demon just laughed At my screaming. He pulled the knife out and licked up some of the blood. I struggled to get free even harder now but it was useless, the bindings were too tight. I screamed and cried for someone to come but no one came. It was just me and the demon, and soon it would just be him. I couldn't hang on any longer, I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into darkness. I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness, anything would be better than the pain that I'm feeling now.

The demon suddenly stopped licking the blood and looked up. He grabbed onto my shoulders and began shaking me awake. I opened my eyes just barely before closing them again. The demon ran off for a few and can back in a panic. I winced when I felt a sharp little stabbing sensation on my thigh.

" You can go when I saw you can go hybrid. And we are going to do this every single day for the rest of your life. "

I shook my head in protest when I felt my skin slowly bring itself back together and heal. Damn it. He gave me a healing shot. He chuckled lowly as he started cutting me again and again as my skin quickly healed up the wounds for him to start again.

So this is what Hell felt like. There is no escape, and you won't ever leave it. I tried my hardest to block out the pain but I couldn't. It demanded to be felt. I gave up on trying to scream for help. No one was coming, and no one would probably ever come. I let the tears stream down my face, finally giving up hope, and excepting my fate.

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