Chapter three: When angels appear

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I walked along the shore of the beach, tying my wet hair up in a pony tail. I had finally agreed to go to the beach to get my head off of Scotty but so far it hasn't worked that way.

We had left the dorms after sunset so that Rougue could come along too. I rode with Ivan and Rougue but didn't speak much to them. I had told them about the break up and they agreed that they wouldn't mention it unless I did first. When we arrived at the beach I had decided that I would take a quick walk before joining them to get my head sorted out.

That was two hours ago and I now have a headache from trying to sort my head too much. I just couldn't stop thinking about the break up. I know that I ended it for good but I felt so hurt that Scotty would actually do that to me. And then I would think about if that was actually the first time  that he had done something like that.

I checked my phone and realized that I had thirty two messages from everyone. I didn't bother reading them, figuring they all said the same thing.

Where are you?

Are you OK?

Come join us!

Yep, all the same bullshit that anyone would message a person who just broke up with someone. I put my phone down and found a soft spot on the sand to lay down on and hopefully rest for a little bit. I fixes my bikini so that it wouldn't bunch up in any weird places and layers down on the floor, listening to the waves crash against the shore.

I was only able to rest for a couple of moments before I heard footsteps making their way towards me. I groaned and sat up to see who it was. I almost ran across the beach when I saw that it wasn't anybody that was walking to me. I stood up and dusted the sand off of me before beginning to walk back to where I left my friends.

I stopped after a couple of minutes and looked around to see if I could spot them anywhere. I froze when I heard a husky voice suddenly whisper into my ear.

" God Lyric my heart stops every time I see you. "

I slowly turned around and immediately wanted to run when I saw that it was Scotty. How did he know that I was here? Unless Frankie really did text him yesterday because she thought I wasn't coming. His eyes shown bright in the darkness. I looked him over and saw that he was in the same thing as yesterday when we broke up. He had bags under his eyes and his normally spikey hair was down and looked like he hadn't yet taken a shower.

" What do you wan Scotty? '

He dragged his hand through his messy hair and looked away. He seemed to have cleared his throat before finally looking back into my eyes and saying what has obviously been on his mind.

" My nightmares are usually about losing you and yesterday it finally came true. I need you back Lyric, you were my everything and I can't  live without you in my life. My heart stops whenever I see you. I want to kill myself knowing that I hurt you so badly. If you take me back I promise, I'll treat you ten times better than I have ever treated you before. Please Lyric. "

I looked at him and realized that he had begun to cry slightly. I wanted to tell him to forget what I said and holds in my arms, knowing that it'll all be OK tomorrow because he was mine and no one else's. But I couldn't. I knew that if I took him back then it wouldn't be OK, he might just decide to cheat on me again and this time keep it covered. No I had to walk away from this, no matter how much I thought he loved me, I knew that if he really did then he wouldn't have cheated on me in the first place.

I looked away from him. I couldn't look into those tear filled eyes of his as I said what I did.

" Trust is like paper Scotty, once it's crumbled, it can't be perfect again. I did love you once upon a time, but now all I see when I look into your eyes is pure disgust and hatred. You fucked up Scotty, and there is no way for you to fix this one. Goodbye Scotty. "

After I finished I looked at him. His tears had dried and his face had hardened, almost like he was trying to act like this didn't mean anything to him. He nodded his head and turned to walk away, but before he got too far he called over his shoulders.

" Just remember, feathers appear when angels are near. "

And with that, he opened up his angel wings. I have only seen them once and they still shocked me on how beautiful they were. It isn't everyday that you get to see an angel fly, and I don't think that I'll ever forget it. He spread his wings wide and jumped into the air, his wings holding his weight easily. He turned back around once more and gave me a quick nod farewell before turning back around. His wings flapped without any sound and made a little wind storm as Scotty flew away, never to be seen again.

                                                *    *    *

I walked back to where my friends were, they greeted me happily but I couldn't keep my eyes from where I came from, where Scotty had left. Rougue came up to me and handed me a beer and I drank it willingly. She brushed some of my hair that had escaped my pony tail out of my face.

" Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top. "

I stopped drinking my beer and looked over at Rougue confused. " What do you mean by that? " I said to her before taking another drink. She shrugged her shoulders and walked away grabbing another beer for herself and sitting in Ivan's van, hiding from the the sun that was just peeking over the shore.

We packed up our gear and got back into our cars, heading home for the night. I fell asleep thinking about Rouge's strange quote.

Why did she have to be all smart and confusing when she was buzzed?

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Ah snap! So what did you guys think about Rougue's quote there? What does it mean?

Don't forget to vote my lovelies!! XD

~Lil Idiot

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