ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕏𝕏𝕀𝕏

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As we got to the top of the hill, I walked down feeling the sea breeze on me making me look down at it see huge waves in the ocean. "What's that?" the small droid said as I answered. "It's the Death Star, little guy." I said continuing, "A bad place from an old war." I said with my eyes narrowed on it feeling the darkness seeping from it.

"It's gonna take us years to find what we're looking for." Poe said behind me as Threepio said oh dear. "Only this blade tells." I quietly said remembering when we were told by 3PO. I looked down at my satchel and opened it taking it out. I look at the dagger and feel something stick out slightly. I pull on it and it actually comes out.

I pulled the rest out as I look down confused but I held it up trying to align it to the destroyed Death Star. I moved slowly as I felt them get closer to me and finally aligning it seeing the location of the wayfinder. "The wayfinder's there." I said nodding at the destroyed piece as I heard something get close.

"Heads up." Poe said as I turned around, I see a woman and a bunch of men riding on creatures. I turned as they pulled out their blasters and pointing at them. "Rough landing." She said as Poe spoke up. "I've seen worse." He said as she talked back. "I've seen better." She said as I rolled my eyes at them.

"Are you Resistance?" She asked as I stay silent behind them. "That depends." He said blaster still aimed at her. "We picked up a transmission from someone named Babu Frik." She said as Threepio turned to her. "Babu Frik? Oh, he's one of my oldest friends." as she continued to speak.

"He said you'd come. He said you were the last hope." She said looking at me making me look at her, "We have to get to that wreck right now." I said quickly as I continued, "There is something inside there we need." I said sternly as she spoke to us.

"I can take you there by water." She said as I looked at her, "Have you seen the water?" Finn said pointing back. "Not now. Too dangerous." She said looking at the sea, "We can go first light tomorrow." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Look we can't wait that long. We don't have enough time." I said sternly towards her.

"Or the choice. Let's get that ship fixed." Poe said making me gape at him as I ignored him, "Do you have any spare parts?" Poe said towards the woman as I turned towards the water ignoring the conversation. I look around to see if there were any boats so I go alone. I see a skimmer and quickly walk down and jumped on the skimmer. I began to row myself in the dangerous water.

I held onto the wheel as I panted feeling my hair stick to my neck and face. I quickly tied the rope keeping it still and got to the back. I grunted as I pull onto the rope, I go up and then pulling harder making me shout.

I felt the salt water go into my eyes making them burn. I quickly pulled and turned some wheels then grunted as I kept is from turning anymore and entering.

As I entered all I felt was being engulfed in darkness making me shiver and pushing my wet hair out of my face. I left the skimmer and climbed and turned around putting my foot on the extra part. Then it broke and almost fell down into the abyss, yelping but caught myself. I continued to climb towards the darkness and whispers.

I looked across spotting a place where I can jump to, I grunted as I jumped and pulled myself and climbing up until I got an opening then pulling myself up to it then standing up to see the hallway. I walked towards the dark aura and look around to see old stormtrooper helmets and suits then I turned to the right I walked up another hallway.

I climbed up more then pulled myself up to the room where I'm guessing Darth Vader always stood and I walked towards a chair in front of the window as I stared at it. I turned to see a door slide open as steam comes out.

I glared into the empty space infront of me as I walked inside then turned to see the door slide down closing. I look in the dark as I was determined, I walked in further there was mirrors on the side of the path.

I looked around to see if I could spot it and as I stopped. I spotted it then walked towards it and look up and down to see anything attached to the wayfinder.

I grabbed it and felt something overwhelm me as I felt a dark presence beside me. I turned slowly seeing myself in the black dress and cloak with a red fiery lightsaber making me back up as I gasped.

She ignites another saber the same as I gaped at her well myself. "Why don't you accept who you truly are?" She asked stepped closer to me. "Don't be afraid of who you are." She says walking towards be as I ignited my saber blocking her hits as I backed up and I block the other one.

She wraps both around mine trapping me as I looked at her she looked at me then hissed making me stumble back. The door opened making me fall on my back, making the wayfinder slip out of my hand. I quickly looked to where it fell seeing a gloved hand grab onto it, and lift it up.

I stood up quickly, glaring at him as he stares at me then at the wayfinder, I ignite my saber in anger glaring at him as he puts his hand down with the wayfinder as he looks at me. I walk closer to him, "Look at yourself, Lia." He said standing there as I got slowly closer to him.

"You wanted to prove to my mother that you were a Jedi but you've proven something else." I glare at him as I got angrier to the point where I'm panting. "You can't go back to her now." He said shaking his head, "Like I can't." He said looking at me as I continue to stare at him. "Give it to me." I said quickly as he shudders then refuses to give it to me.

"The dark side is in our nature." He said making me shudder, "Surrender to it." He said holding the wayfinder out to me. "Give. it." I said sharply then continued, "To. me." I demanded, glaring at him. I felt my anger take over me as my breath got heavier, "The only way you're getting to Exegol is with me." He said lifting the wayfinder the crushing it in front of me.

"No!" I shouted igniting the saber, then began to fight him. He expertly moved away from my swings as he moved back and dodging me. He quickly moved to the side and I continued to swing at him. I try to swing down as he pulled out his saber and blocked my hit.

We continue to fight as he jumps off and down then I follow after him, I continue to follow him out as I follow him outside on top of the wrecked ship. I swung at him continuously as I walk forward and he steps back. We continue to move and fight as I get angrier as my clothes get more wet and my hair sticking to my face.

I swing continuously as we connected the sabers then swung around then let go. I hear running from behind me, "LIA!" I hear making me block another hit then turn, "NO!" I shouted, turning quickly Force pushing Finn and Rey away from us. I continue as I stopped him from hitting me as I see a big wave coming towards us.

I pushed onto his saber away then ran as I jumped to the other broken piece and landed as he did too. He turned pointing at it at me and I hit it away as I moved forwards hitting his saber and he moved. I continue swinging, I rolled under him then quickly standing up then hitting his saber.

I swung down and up at him as he did the same, I turned to face another position. I backed up as he swinged and I blocked then pushed his saber down to the ground. I grunted as steam came up around us as I looked at him as he did the same.

I let go then back flipped to the other part and landed in a crouch position and stood up. I looked through the water spotting himself and  his red saber through it. As he walked towards me all drenched as I was too, I moved my wet hair from my face as he got closer as I was panting.


Oí!!! It's going down!
Edited again (so fucking close!) :))

May the Force be with you! :)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now