Chapter 6

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By the time I wake up, Alex is already gone. I have some patients to check on and I'm leading rounds on Mer's Service, so I sneak out and fix myself up in the bathroom, getting on clean scrubs and my lab coat, and I'm back before Sadie wakes up.
Helm comes in and checks Sadie's vitals, and she looks confused when she sees me sitting in a chair beside her.
"Doctor Karev, are you working today? I'm supposed to be on your service this week." She says.
" Yeah, but no surgeries. You should probably find another service. I'm spending time with my daughter, Helm. She's in heart failure if you didn't notice." I say, annoyed to have to share that information. Though I guess to be fair, she didn't ask.
"Right, sorry." She looks surprised as she says this, but Alex walks in before I can say anything.
"Hey beautiful. You're up!" He says, walking towards me. I stand, and he pulls me in for a kiss.
"I am." I say, giggling as he leans in to kiss me again. "Helm. Out." She awkwardly leaves and I return to making out with my husband...on the peds floor, in a room with a sleeping child. Probably not the best choice, but I haven't gotten laid in like...24 hours.
"How is she doing?" I ask, breaking our kiss a second later.
"The LVAD seems to be helping, and I've got Helm coordinating with UNOS to find a match."
She begins to stir, opening her eyes a moment later.
"Look who's awake!" Alex says with a smile, pouring her some water.
"Hey! How are you feeling?" I say as I sit at the foot of her bed.
"I'm okay. Am I getting a new heart today?" She asks, hopeful.
"All the doctors are working really hard to find your new heart, so it could be any day now." Alex says. I love how good he is to all of his patients, especially Sadie. It can't be easy for him knowing I have a daughter and she's not his.
Chelsea is lurking just outside the door, talking on the phone. She hasn't been around much, but I guess she hasn't had to since I've barely left her side since meeting her yesterday morning.
"I just want to do something fun. I'm always stuck in bed. I want to go to school and play on the swings and kick a ball."
I reach for her hand. "I know, sweetie. You will do all of those things soon. I promise."
Chelsea hangs up the phone and walks in the room, smiling. She and Alex talk for a brief second, telling her pretty much the same thing he just told Sadie.
Alex motions for me to follow him out the door, so I pat Sadie on the leg and let her know I'll be right back.
"What's up?" I say once we're out the door.
"You've been here since yesterday morning, and I know you didn't sleep much last night. You were awake when I left this morning. You're probably exhausted. Let me take you home for a little while and you can shower and get something to eat, take a rest in your own bed."
"I don't want to leave her alone. And I'm on call."
"She's not alone. There are nurses and interns checking on her hourly, and the social worker is with her. Just an hour, maybe two. It will be good for both of you."
"Fine. One hour. Let me just say goodbye." I walk back inside to Sadie's bedside, and lean in to give her a hug.
"I'm gonna be back really soon, but I have to go somewhere for a little while. I promise to see you shortly, okay?"
She nods and hugs me back, and I stroke her hair gently before leaving with Alex.
In the car on the way home, Alex drives, his hand in mine, as I rub circles on it with my thumb. When I feel like it can't wait any longer, I bring up the one thing that's been on my mind for a while.
"What would you think about adopting her?" I say, trying to make it sound casual. He glances at me and then back at the road, and I have no idea what he's going to say. He's quiet for a moment, and I impulsively add.
"I just feel like... we want to start a family. And she needs one. I feel like her mom, and I... I don't want to say goodbye to her."
He squeezes my hand and smiles at me.
"We're gonna be parents."
"What?" I laugh, relief washing over me. "Really? Are you sure?"
"Jo, she's your little girl. And I want her to be our little girl. I hope in a few years we can give her a brother or sister, because I want to have a baby with you. But your right, she needs a family, and you and I know better than anyone that blood isn't what makes you family. Love is. And we've got a lot of love to give. Right?"
"Yes! Oh my god, we're gonna be parents!"
Just then, we pull up to the loft and he parks the car, pulling me into the most amazing kiss.

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