Chapter 12

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"This is gorgeous!" I say, pulling up to the house for the first time, preparing for the tour.
"Well, it could be ours. Let's go!"
An older woman steps out of a small red car parked nearby, with short bleach-blonde hair and a knee length jacket.
She shows us the house, and it seems to good to be true. The master bedroom is gigantic, the kids rooms are great, a huge backyard, a nice kitchen that opens into the dining room, hardwood floors and nice bathrooms, everything seemingly new. There's even a pool and swing set outside!
Every time I look out the window or in the kitchen or bedroom, I can't stop my mind from wandering to the water gun fights we'll have in the backyard, the dinners we'll share as the kids talk about their day, Alex and I tucking them in and reading a bedtime story-
"What do you think?" He asked.
"I love it!" I smile and squeeze his hand. "Can we put in an offer?"
"The asking price on the house is 995,000." The woman says, who's name I have yet to learn.
"Holy-" I start. I sure as hell don't have that much.
"That's fine. We want to go through with it as soon as possible."
"Alex, how the hell can we afford this?"
"I've been saving for this for a while. And plus, we can take out a mortgage."
"Are you serious? We would have a giant house with no furniture in it!"
"Jo, we're freaking surgeons. We make good money. Don't worry about it."
30 minutes and a very long phone call to the seller later, we are set to sign on the house at the end of the week.
By Friday, the loft is fully occupied by cardboard boxes packed with all of our things. We sign on the house and spend most of the day moving our stuff between houses and then go back to the hospital to eat dinner and sleep with Sadie. By 6:00 the next day, we are almost finished moving our things in when there's a knock on the door.
"Babe, it's Chelsea, are you ready?" I call up, fixing my makeup. I spent a long time attempting to perfect the mom look, but then I gave up and went back organizing the clutter of boxes. Now, everything is cleared out and our house looks like a home. We had furniture delivered and assembled at the house, including all kinds of things for Sadie. We ordered a bed, bookshelf, wardrobe, desk and nightstand for her room, and I bought a few toys and clothes, assuming we'd let her pick out the rest.
Alex meets me at the front door a moment later and we open it and shake hands. Once we invite her in, she stands in the entryway with a clipboard in hand, taking notes and inspecting our home.
"We just moved in a few days ago, but we're happy to show you around." I say. One room at a time, we lead her through the house and she writes a note here and there every step of the way. We walk her through the kitchen and dining room, the bathrooms, playroom, bedrooms- she stops when we reach Sadie's.
"You already fixed her a room?" She asks.
"We want to be prepared for whatever happens. If this goes our way, we want to make sure Sadie feels safe and comfortable here, so that she knows ours home is her home." Alex says.
A little while later she says goodbye and pulls out of the driveway, leaving us wondering what to do next.
"Are you hungry? We could order out. Meredith just said Sadie is fed and asleep, so we can stay here tonight and drive over early in the morning." Alex asks.
"I want something," I say, deviously. "But it's not food." I wrap one arm around his neck and caress his cheek with the other, pulling him into a deep kiss.
"Do you want to go upstairs?" He asks, as it continues to get more intense. I nod, and he lifts me as I wrap my legs around his waist. He runs up the stairs and tosses me on the bed, pulling off his shirt before helping me with mine. He climbs back on top of me, kissing me even more passionately than before.
A few hours later we've finished, but we both feel more energized than exhausted. I had pulled on Alex's shirt, liking the way I could wrap myself in him. He is spooning me, arm around my waist and our fingers intertwined. We talk for a while about nothing and everything, from tomorrow's surgeries, to enrolling Sadie in the school district. We decide to take a week off and spend time with her if we get to adopt her, to give us time to get her settled in and take her shopping and what not. We also decide that we want to change her last name from Wilson to Karev, seeing as how I changed my name and she would be our daughter. Ultimately, we want to ask her to make sure she feels comfortable with whatever happens. That's what is most important to us.

Always been you//JolexWhere stories live. Discover now