Im home!!!

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When I land I grab my suitcases and wait for the other people to leave in front of me. I call tony to tell him that I landed and he said he was wearing a black thrasher sweater.

Tony POV: I felt like I haven't heard her voice in a while every time I hear her voice it makes me miss her more. But I can't wait to hear her voice in person.

I walk looking for tony and that's when I see onderaz looking at me. We both run to each other and hug each other. He said we've missed you so much I missed how you used to make us laugh. He both start to giggle a little bit. Then I see tony looking at us and he runs to us. He gave  me a big hug to but it lasted longer than me and onderaz hug. He just looked at us and said, "Alright Alright love birds let's get going." "How was Orlando." He said excitedly. "It was great but I really missed you guys." "So did we especially tony." He said elbowing him in the shoulder. Tony flips him off and onderaz does it back. I just told them all about Orlando and how I was so glad my mom got better.

Tony POV: Her voice sounded way better in person. I was so glad to see her. She talked about how it was In Orlando I just kept thinking about the surprise we threw  for her. I was just hoping it went perfect.  I text tayler to tell everybody that we're on our way to the house.

"I'm so excited to be finally coming back home with you guys I really missed you guys." I said excitedly. "So are we." Tony said. Once we get to the hype house tony told to put on a blindfold on. "What's this all about?" "You'll see" he said.  He grabs my hand and helps me walk up the drive way. While he holds my hand be starts to rub my hand with his thumb. It gave me the butterflies. When we get by the front door he told me to step but I accidentally tripped a little. He caught me right on time before I fell and hit myself. He whispered in my ear, "don't worry I won't let u fall." He sounded so sexy saying that it gave me the butterflies again. I walk in and he told me to take my blindfold off. Everybody yells SURPRISE. I jump and I say oh my god this is so cool guys. THANKS!! The girls run towards me and give me a group hug. I say "I missed you guys so much." Me too they all say at the same time. Then everybody else comes up and give me a big hug everybody from the sway house and hype house was there plus James. There was a big banner by the door that said welcome. I walk to the kitchen and see that there is a cake there too. I say, "You guys even bought me a cake too!" I was really hungry so I said, "I'm so hungry ima eat this whole cake." I said jokingly. Then onderaz said eat Tony's we all started to laugh. "No thank tony for all of this it was his idea." Bryce said. I look over to tony and her starts blushing and so do I. "Awwwww there both blushing." Addison said practically screaming. We all just sit down and hang out and the whole time I just see tony looking at me. Avani whispers he totally checking you out. I look towards him and he turns right away pretending that he was looking at something else. Sometime passes and we make Some tic toks saying I'm back. Some people started to think I was leaving the hype house so I cleared up the rumors. Tony said if I wanted to do a tic tok with him and ondreaz I said yeah ofc. We do a couple of them and then we do one just me and him. I threw it back and he threw it forward I started blush mid dance. "I don't think we should post that." I said. He said why and I told him I don't want people to think we're dating or something. He said u better and like I said the whole comment section was I ship 🚢. There was also some hate saying, "she is not your type tony is way to good for her." and stuff like," she's not even that pretty." After I'm done reading the comments, everybody starts to get bored so tony said, "You should go put your bathing suit on." He said with a smirk looking towards me. I say I'm down and the everybody else agrees. I still had some clothes in my closet from before I left I had way to many clothes to take. I hadn't unpacked yet so I just looked to see what u had in my closet. I end up wearing this.

You walk downstairs everybody is already outside I walk out and everybody has their eyes on me

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You walk downstairs everybody is already outside I walk out and everybody has their eyes on me. Tony is already in the pool. I walk towards the pool to get in and you see tony looking you up and down and biting his lip. Avani comes up to and says damn girl you know how to show up looking like a Victoria secret model. We both start to giggle. I walk over to the pool and see tony biting his lip and looking at me. So I swim next to him and close his jaw. Chase was right next to him and says, you got a little spit right here wiping the side of his lip. He elbows him and we both laugh. He leaves and says I'll leave both of you guys alone.

Tony's POV: damn she looks so hot. I don't know what to say I can't even start a conversation with her. I really want to tell her how I feel but she just got here and I don't want to make anything awkward she barely even been here 12hrs.

You look great he says looking in my eyes. Thanks you do too he was shirtless and I just kept looking at his six pack. He noticed that I was looking at his abs so picked up my jaw. He both start to laugh. That's when Alex yells who wants to play spin the bottle?!  I look at tony I can tell he wants to so I say ok sure and I get out of the pool tony gets out with me still checking me out. Alex is filming this for his YouTube video a lot of people were always shipping us so with this video and that tic tok were gonna be a big ship on tic tok if it does land on him. I'm kinda hoping it does cause I don't want to kiss anybody else. Alex tells me to go first to celebrate me coming back. So I spin the bottle and it starts spinning crazy. Tayler and chase are right next to him. Tayler was checking me out too he just couldn't stop looking at me. I thought maybe I shouldn't not have worn this. The bottle starts to slow down and I thought it was going to land on tayler because it was beginning to stop by him but it moved a couple inches and it landed on tony. I saw the disappointment in tayler's eyes.

Tony's POV: I really want to kiss Audrey. But we're in front of all of these people not that I care but she might. But it's finally my chance to kiss her. So I lean in...

Tony leans in for a kiss he grabs my face and lean in and we kiss. He goes in for another one he pulls me closer as he starts to kiss me. But then tayler interrupts us. "Alright Alright it was only supposed to be ONE kiss." Tayler said one demanding. We pull away and just look at each other's eyes. I could tell he's been wanting to do that for a long time. Tony pulls me aside by the side of the house and says, "I'm sorry I should've-. I interrupt by putting my finger on his lips "it's ok I liked it." I tell him I knew that made him feel better. Then everybody goes inside expect for me and tony he had been talking the whole time. And just laughing and making each other laugh we were laughing so hard we were crying. "Do you wanna go in hot tub?" Tony said smirking. "Ya sure." I said. We get and me and tony just keep talking. "I'm so glad you came back everything around here started to get boring." "I miss you guys too but I couldn't leave my mom." I said reminding me of my mom. "Why can't she stay over here didn't you say she had a house out here?" I had told everybody when I was leaving that she had a house out here but she couldn't travel because she was to sick. But now that she's better I don't know what to say I'm not ready to tell anybody about me past yet. So I look down and sigh, "I don't know if she wants to she likes her house out in Orlando." "Oh ok." Tony says confused. "We should head inside now it's getting pretty late." Ok tony says we go inside and tony says "I had fun with you tonight." So did I maybe we can do it again tomorrow or another time. "Goodnight." I said, "Goodnight." Tony's said. I go upstairs and take off my bathing suit and take a shower. And do my nighttime routine. Than I go outside and hang my bathing suit so it could dry. I go back upstairs and go to bed I go to bed thinking about tony and our kiss. And how hot he looked wet in the pool as I wonder off to sleep.

Tony's POV: I had so much fun with Audrey tonight. I wish the night didn't end so early but she wanted to go so I let her leave. I wished I had made her stay with me but I didnt. I could tell something was wrong she would've have left that early or easily. I hurt me to see her sad but I didn't force her to tell me anything. I take a shower brush me teeth and go bed. I just can't stop thinking about her but eventually go to sleep thinking about her.

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