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After Quinn showered, she crawled back into bed.

Puck came downstairs and looked at her. "Hey."

"Hi." Quinn said softly.

"Hi." Puck repeated.

"What are you doing?" Quinn wondered.

"How are you feeling?" Puck asked.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "How am I feeling?"

"You had a nightmare this morning, and it's 2pm and you're still in bed." Puck noted. "Sarah's at school and my mom's at work so neither of them said anything, but... are you okay?"

"I'm okay." Quinn told Puck. "I'm fine."

"If you wanna talk about it-"

"I'm fine." Quinn cut Puck off. "Let's just enjoy our week in Lima before we go back and you find out when you're leaving again."

"If you're mad at me, we should talk about it." Puck said.

"I'm not mad at you." Quinn told Puck.

"Are you sure?" Puck asked. "'Cause it's okay if you are, but you know I have to go back."

"I'm not mad at you." Quinn said. "But I'm not doing this all day."

"I know." Puck responded. "I came down here to tell you it's 2pm, which means it's time for you to get up so we can go out."

"Where are we going?" Quinn wondered.

"When's the last time you saw your mom?" Puck asked.

Quinn didn't answer.

"Not since I've been home." Puck said. "Did you even tell her I'm home?"

"She knows you're home." Quinn replied.

"Wanna go see her?" Puck asked.

"Okay." Quinn said as she slowly got up.

"Tell me when you're ready to go." Puck nodded as he walked away.

Quinn got dressed and did her hair and makeup. She walked upstairs and found Puck sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Ready?" Puck asked.

Quinn nodded. "Let's go see my mom."


Quinn knocked and waited with Puck on the Fabray stoop.

The door opened and Judy stood there. She furrowed her eyebrow and smiled at the sight of Quinn.

"Quinny!" Judy said as she hugged Quinn. "Come inside."

Quinn led Puck inside and closed the front door behind him. The trio sat down in the living room together.

"Mom, you remember Noah, right?" Quinn asked.

"Of course I do." Judy smiled at Puck. "It's good to see you, Noah. Welcome home."

"It's good to see you, too, Mrs. Fabray." Puck said. "I'm only on a break, but thank you."

Judy nodded. "And you finish in August?"

"That's the plan." Puck nodded back. "It could be a little longer because this break wasn't supposed to happen."

"Noah dislocated his shoulder and had surgery." Quinn added. "But he's doing really well and next week he finds out when he'll be going back."

"Yeah, we'll see what happens." Puck said. "But I'll only be gone until October or November probably, which is no big deal."

"Mmm." Quinn muttered.

"Well, I'm glad you're home, even if it's temporary." Judy told Puck.

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