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Quinn woke up to the smell of Puck's cooking. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was already past noon, so she got out of bed.

Quinn left the bedroom and went to the kitchen, where she found Puck. He was in sweatpants with an apron on.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Quinn smiled.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Puck repeated, smiling back. "Did you sleep?"

Quinn nodded. "Did you?"

"Yeah." Puck said. "I took Max for a walk this morning and he's been helping me in the kitchen since we got back."

"He's just waiting for you to drop something." Quinn responded.

"Yeah, but the company is nice." Puck shrugged.

"I'm gonna shower and then I'll come help you." Quinn told Puck.

"Take your time." Puck replied. "But come here first."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she walked over to Puck.

"I'm thankful for you." Puck smiled as he kissed Quinn lightly. When they parted, he knelt down and kissed Quinn's belly. "And I'm thankful for you, little Puck."

Quinn smiled as Puck stood up. "I'm thankful for you. I'm thankful you're home safe, and I'm thankful you'll be there when the baby's born."

"I love you." Puck grinned.

"I love you more." Quinn responded.


After Quinn's shower, she put on a pair of Puck's sweatpants and a t-shirt. She tied her hair into a messy bun before returning to the kitchen.

"I look like a mess, but we're not seeing anyone, so..." Quinn shrugged.

"You look beautiful." Puck said.

"Put me to work, Puckerman." Quinn commanded.

"Okay, Puckerman." Puck smirked. "You can go park your cute ass on the couch and let me handle the cooking."

"You said you were gonna teach me to cook." Quinn reminded Puck.

"You don't wanna be on your feet in the kitchen all day." Puck told Quinn. "It's hot."

"Let me help." Quinn commanded.

"Alright." Puck said. "I'm gonna make the mac and cheese. You wanna do that? You can put the water on."

"Okay." Quinn replied as she opened the cabinet, searching for the right pot to use. She paused and looked at Puck.

"This one." Puck told Quinn as he took out the pot. "Fill it three quarters."

"I know how to make pasta." Quinn responded as she filled the pot up and set it on the stove. "I just couldn't find the pot we use."

"Good, Q." Puck smiled as he turned on the burner. "Keep an eye on that while I do the vegetables."

"Got it." Quinn nodded.

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