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Luckily, Quinn didn't go into labor when Puck was gone. She just curled up on the couch with Max and watched TV.

Puck returned with a big box less than an hour after he had left.

"I got the high chair." Puck announced. "Now I just have to put it together."

"I'm gonna call my mom." Quinn decided. "I meant to call her for Thanksgiving and I forgot."

Puck nodded. "I'm sure this will be ready by the time you're off the phone."

"Good luck." Quinn muttered, excusing herself to the nursery. She sat down in the rocking chair and dialed her mom's phone. She put the phone to her ear and started rocking back and forth.

"Hi, honey." Judy answered the phone. "Baby?"

"Not yet." Quinn said. "I just... we've been so busy and I wanted to call and say happy Thanksgiving."

"You're a little late, but happy Thanksgiving." Judy responded. "Are you and Noah ready for the baby? Is the nursery done?"

"We're ready." Quinn answered. "The nursery is done. I'll send you pictures of it. It looks really good."

"Good." Judy said. "Did your doctor say when she thinks he'll come?"

"It could be any day now." Quinn responded. "Hopefully soon because I'm ready, and we're both anxious."

"I'm just praying that it's a fast and easy birth." Judy told Quinn. "And that you and the baby are healthy."

"Thank you." Quinn said. "I hope so, too."

"Call me when you go." Judy requested. "When you can."

"I will." Quinn promised. "I'll see you after the holidays."

"See you after the holidays." Judy echoed.

Quinn hung up the phone and left the nursery. She looked at Puck, who was in the living room with Max.

"Told you I'd be done at the same time as you." Puck noted with a grin.

"Good job, babe." Quinn smiled. "What would I do without you?"

"Your life would probably be boring." Puck shrugged. "Maybe even normal."

"Gross." Quinn said as she sat down on the couch. She looked at Puck. "Come here."

Puck joined Quinn on the couch and put his arms around her.

"What are you doing?" Quinn asked.

"I thought you wanted to cuddle." Puck noted.

Quinn shook her head as she slowly swung her legs onto Puck's lap. "I want you to rub my swollen, sweaty feet."

"You got it, Q."

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