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"Hey." Quinn said softly when she found Puck in the yard sitting on one of the lounge chairs. He was staring off past the pool and the bushes and the fence. "You wanna talk?"

"Did you see how my mom and Sarah were looking at me?" Puck asked as he continued staring off. "Like I was a freaking animal."

"We just threw a lot of information at them. They need to process it." Quinn pointed out as she sat down beside Puck. "But I want you to know that I'm proud of you."

"You should be the most disappointed and ashamed of everyone." Puck noted. "After what I did to you."

"Noah, that-"

"You can't keep saying that it wasn't me because it was." Puck said as he looked at Quinn. "Not on purpose, but I still did it."

Quinn frowned at the sight of tears in Puck's eyes.

"When did everything get so freaking messy, Quinn?" Puck asked.

"Easy." Quinn said as she put her hand on Puck's leg. "Don't get yourself all worked up over this. Don't overthink it. Your family is processing it. That's all."

"My brain doesn't know that though." Puck told Quinn as he held her hand.

Before Quinn could reply, Jake entered the yard.

"Hey, Puck." Jake said softly. "Marley's trying to help Sarah understand everything, but I wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you."

Puck looked at Jake.

"It's good to see you're finally taking care of yourself." Jake noted as he sat down. "And I'm glad you told us. You shouldn't have to do all of this alone."

"Thanks." Puck nodded as he slowly stood up. He looked at Quinn.

"Where are you going?" Quinn asked.

"I need some air." Puck responded as he walked away.

Quinn sighed.

"Has he been okay?" Jake questioned Quinn. "Like at home?"

"Mostly." Quinn nodded. "He gave up drinking and smoking, and he's been fine. He's been sleeping better and doing really well."

"And what about you? How are you handling everything?" Jake asked.

"I'm okay." Quinn shrugged. "It's been a lot for us to adjust to, especially with everything else going on, but I'm okay."

"Well, if you guys ever need anything, just call me." Jake offered.

Quinn nodded and slowly stood up. "Thanks, Jake."

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