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"By the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Quinn smiled as Puck gently pulled her in close and kissed her.

Jake whistled and Brittany cheered excitedly.

"It's no wonder you're pregnant." Santana muttered in disgust when Quinn and Puck finally parted.

Quinn grinned as Puck squeezed her hand and led her out of the room.

The group of five left the courthouse and went outside.

"I wanna go out to dinner to celebrate." Quinn stated as her fingers traced the wedding band on Puck's finger. "With everyone."

"Are you sure?" Santana asked.

"Yeah, if you two wanna go to dinner alone, that's okay, too." Jake added.

"We can celebrate alone after." Quinn smirked as she looked at Puck.

"Gross." Brittany mumbled.

"Let's go grab dinner." Puck nodded as he squeezed Quinn's hand.


The group of five went to a nice Italian restaurant. They got a booth with a chair at the head of the table.

Quinn sat down on the bench with Puck crawling in beside her. Jake sat at the head of the table, and Santana and Brittany sat across from Quinn and Puck.

"Thank you guys for coming today." Puck smiled as he raised his glass.

"Put your glass down, Puckerman." Santana commanded. "Let us make the toast."

Quinn put her hand over Puck's, gently lowering it as they looked at Santana.

Santana smiled as she raised her glass. "To Puck and Quinn, the new Mr. and Mrs. Puckerman. I hope you have a long marriage filled with nothing but love and happiness. Congratulations!"

"We love you!" Brittany added as she clinked her glass against Santana's.

Jake smiled and nodded in agreement. "Welcome to the family officially, Quinn."

"Cheers." Quinn smiled as she clinked her glass against Puck's before clinking it against her friends' glasses.

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