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Music can be heard far away. 

People screaming out as they start to dance.

Some people start to chant someone's name, making everyone jump up and down.

You can hear there chanting, saying

"GEN-X! GEN-X! GEN-X! GEN-X!" All over and over again until the music start making everyone scream in joy

Up at the stage, you can see a female girl, jamming the music as she raise her hand with a crazy smile on her face as she makes everyone screaming in joy as she watch them jumping around. She even join in through jumping around.

Even singing as she sang with the music that she plays.

And that girl, was Melody, 17 Year old, DJ and Singer known as the 'GEN-X' or 'GENERATION-X'

Melody was the third child in her family, poor at first but when Melody discover that she loves music, she start to create her own music.

And here she is, Popular and rich .

as music ends, she grab the mic and shout,

"WHAT'S UP AMERICA!!!" she pulls away the mic as she listen the scream of joy and chant of her title. " YOU READY TO ROCK?!" she asked/scream to them as she point the mic to them as she got the scream saying 'yes!' "ALRIGHT! LET'S GET PARTY STARTED!!"

She jump off the DJ booth as she grabs her electric guitar as she strum a bit making everyone scream in joy as she gave them smirk then she looks at the band then back to the people as she shout, 

" 1! 2!3! LET'S GO!"


Melody start jamming the guitar as the back up band join.

After that she breath heavily as everyone scream in joy as she smile and stood up and gave everyone a bow and said, " THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT AMERICA! SEE YOU SOON!" 

She wave good bye to them as the security guide her away the stage to the back stage. As she arrive at the backstage, her smile on her face disappeared as it replace a frown on her face as she someone, standing there, waiting for her. She sigh in annoyance as she spoke, "mother? what are you doing here?"

 She sigh in annoyance as she spoke, "mother? what are you doing here?"

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