(Trolls world tour) chapter seven: annoying song/escape

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Melody walk around the lonesome town, in centaur form. It's quite quiet and well gloomy. Trollex was sleeping in the lake for a while. So she did not want to disturb him. She even notice Delta was smirking at trollex, who was blushing furiously as he gave Delta a warning look, making her look so confuse. But it's none of her business to know. As she walks around the place she felt something grab her wrist.

" wha?"

Then pulled her away. She was spinning as she was stop by someone. Melody look dizzy at the spin and manage to shook it away. She looks at who pulled her here and she was surprise." Poppy?! Branch?! Bigge?! What are you doing here?!" Said melody in surprise as poppy hug her with tears on her eyes saying, " melody! You're okey!" Melody smile and hug poppy back. Then branch slowly made his way to them as he seperate them." Okey. So where's trollex? Is he with you?" He asked her as melody nodded." He's asleep. In the lake." Then TBDB pop out behind biggie as he float towards to her.

" please! Take me to him!" TBDB said, surprising melody a bit and she smile." Of course. Any thing for my friend" she smile as poppy smirk," more than a friend~" said poppy in teasing way, making melody look at her confuse," what?" Poppy shook her head and shoo her away saying," nevermind of that, go" melody grab TBDB as the two headed their way to the lake, keaving poppy and the others behind.

Poppy watch her best friend dissapeared, pennywhistle, who decided to come along with them, pop out at branch hair and asked," who's that?"" That's melody. Poppy's best human friend." Explained branch as he crossed his arms as he watch melody left. Then he look at the other way and say something coming out." Everyone! Hide!" Said branch as poppy and biggie follow him and hid behind the empty barrel.

" sooooo.......you and trollex huh?"" What do you mean me and trollex?" Asked melody as she looks down at the fish she was carrying." You know..........you and trollex. Together. Lov-"until TBDB was cut off by trollex, who just in time poppung out of the water saying," DON'T. You. Dare!" Melody blink surprise as she said," speaking of trollex, Morning!" Said melody as she gave him close smile, making trollex blush a bit and manage to say 'morning' to her as he tried to avoind looking at her eye.

" KING TROLLEX!!" Shout TBDB as he jump out of melody grasp as Trollex caught him and gave him a hug. Melody smile at the two again. Then trollex look at her then asked," how did TBDB got here melody?"" Well. Poppy and the others are here in lonsome flats!" Said melody as she gallop her way to them. Trollex nodded at her, still looking at her eyes. TBDB look at him then melody then back to him and start smirking and sang,"trollex and melody sitting in the tree~" trollex blush furiously as melody tilted her head confuse as TBDB continued," K- I - S - S - I - N -" then TBDB mouth was covered bupy trollex, who was now blushing furiously as he said," KNOCK IT OFF!" Melody giggle at the two antics.

Suddenly, her ears perked up something. Making trollex notice." Melody? Is something wrong?" Melody listen to the sound she was hearing until realize what is going on. She groan in annoyance as she said," don't tell me poppy was singing?" Trollex look at her confuse then suddenly he heard music too. Yep, it's poppy alright. Trollex floated out of the water as he carries TBDB in his arms. He sat on melody, as he gallop her way to the town.

As they arrive, melody and trollex, along of his buddy, stared at the pop trolls who were singing and dancing. Melody notice they were wearing clothes?? Melody blink for a second as she face palm herself. Trollex look at the country trolls. Oh boy, they are not happy. " their gonna put in jail" murmured melody as trollex look at her then back to the singing pop trolls.

Welp melody was right. Poppy and her friends were put in jail or thrown in jail. Melody continued to hide her face, blushing as she said," i am so embarassed right now" she was so embarassed to what her best friend did. Trollex notice her blushing face making him thinking it was cute but shook it away as he look away from her.


Cooper continued his journey around the world. After encountering.........strange creature that was about to eat him. But he manage to escape. But his cloak got ruined and he is limping from the gremlin attack. He is also in a desserted desert. Cooper talked to himself as well." Poppy...."

"Guy Diamond......"

Cooper paused for a second then wheezes," 🤣🤣🤣🤣.......... I don't even know who's Savanah is!🤣🤣🤣" laughed cooper to himself as he came across a odd looking fountain. Cooper gasped as he said," salvation!" The he took running as he took of the ruined clock piece off his head as he ran to the fountain." Whoo Hoo! Finally! I WON'T DIE!" Cooper start kissing on the ground. But turns out he's drinking glitter making her look up to see a warning sign. Cooper read it then droped his jaw, throwing up rhe pudding of glitters.

~back to the lonesome town~
Poppy, Branch, and Biggie are stuck in the town jail. As for melody and trollex, who watch far away from the jail, watching poppy talk to Mayor Delta that it was misunderstanding. Which delta didn't want to listen the left as she went to the country trolls for the rodeo.

Melody shook her head as she walk away, saying, " welp. Poppy will never understand" trollex look at her then quickly follow her. As she and trollex was now leaving, they stop when they heard a loud bang then galloping sound." What the?" Said melody as pink and black hair grab melody and trollex, then tug away. " WOAH! Woah! Woaaaaaah!" Shout melody as she trying to balance herself, while galloping. Trollex gasp in fear as he hold on tight on melody, making he choke out," t-trollex? A-air!" Trollex quickly release the tightness but still hold on tight, but not to tight.

" MELODY! TROLLEX! Hang on ya'll! " shout delta when she saw the pop trolls took her new best friend and the techno troll. Delta bring out her psycho niece as she said, after letting her niece go," GET'EM!" Then  the psycho niece rush towards to them. Branch, who accidently fell out off the door, turned around to see the psycho child running and chomping her teet towards to him. " Ah!" Scream branch as he jumped and run away as fast as he could back to the gang.

" oh no! Branch! What are you doing off the door?!" Shout poppy, who look back to saw him running. " GEE I DON'T KNOW, ASK THE GRAVITY!" Shout branch as he continued to run." LOVE THE SARCASM, BUT NOW'S NOT THE TIME TO ARGUE!" Shout melody, in anger in her eyes makng everyone gulp in fear." Note to yourself: never sarcasm when melody's around" branch mental bote that as he finally jumped back onto the door.

" phew..." said branch in relief as poppy cheered," yay! He's back on!" Said poppy to the country troll, whom melody recognize him, Hickory." GOOD! CAUSE HERE WE GO! WHOO-HOO! MELODY! GET READY TO RUN!" Shout Hickory to melody was trying to catch up with them." I'M TRYING TOO CAUSE SOMEONE WRAP ME AND TROLLEX SOME HAIR!" Shout melody in anger as you could see fire on her eyes, making poppy realize that she was holding them." Oops" poppy smile sheepishly as she let the go.

Melody finally manage to catch up with them. Then trollex look back to see Delta and the other country trolls trying to catch up." Uh.....guys?" He spoke as everyone look behind to see Delta and the other trolls are catching up. Melody look back to others, " see yah! Below!" " wait what?!" Shout poppy as melody close her eyes then teleport away." Melody!" Poppy shout as she saw no sigh of melody and trollex around them.

Below the fall, melody appeared with dizzy trollex and TBDB on her. " woah.......dizzy" said TBDB as trollex shook his head then look at melody, who fall over as she transform back to human form. " Melody!" Shout trollex as he put TBDB on the river as he floated his way to melody, who was groaning in pain, while holding her chest and her head." Melody! Are you alright!? " asked trollex worriedly as he hold her shoulder. He notice that her pupils were gone, it was white and its glowing." Future vision" murmured trollex as he slowly laid melody down as he watch her close her eyes and rest.

Then he heard a scream above making him look up to see poppy and the others fall. Luckily they were still alive at that fall. " still alive!" Shout poppy as branch look dizzy as biggie stay on the ground. Hickory stood up and dust himself then look at trollex then saw melody," is she-" he was cut off by branch saying," she's fine. Just too much using her powers" poppy rush towards to melody as she shook it saying," Melody! Melody! Melody! Melody!" Melody slowly open her sapphire eyes making her blink twice as she saw poppy.

A moment of silence came.............then melody said," barb is here. And she's heading her way towards to lonesome falts"

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