(Trolls world tour) chapter twelve: rock tribe/rock zombies

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Melody flew her way towards the rock trolls at the volcano, where they live. Branch and the other trolls were on her shoulder or back since she change her size into human size then transform into option 2.

 Branch and the other trolls were on her shoulder or back since she change her size into human size then transform into option 2

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" do you see it melody?!" Shout branch, cause their at the sky as air harshly hitting their face. Melody shook her head as she continued to fly. Then she suddenly heard a rock music. Then she saw it. Barb was having a concert as she sang some rock song. Melody notice on the stage were the snack pack, wearing clothes as a disguise but way out of the color of the rock trolls.

Melody saw at the upper stage to see poppy, where in cage." Branch! Look!" Shout melody to him making him look at poppy, he gasp as he slowly grab a manual book? Melody gave him a look,' where did you get that?' Look. Branch didn't answer as he aim it and throw it at barb's way, hitting her face,making melody wince a bit.

Poppy was surprise as a manual book came out of no where, hitting barb at her face, making every trolls gasped. Barb growl as the spotlight point where melody was flying. Poppy smile as she heard branch said," PARTY'S OVER!" Melody landed gracefully on the stage as she stared at barb. The others jump out of her shoulder as she shrank her size. Babrb growl at them as she said," who said that the party is over pop boy!?" Branch glared at her then smirk. Then trollee and her group grab barb guitar that contains the 6 strings." GOT IT!!" Barb look shock for a second then growl in anger as she tried to snatch it away.

" GIVE IT BACK!" She shout as trollee tossed it towards Tresillo, who caught it and run away, causing barb scream in anger as she called her rockers to get them. Th rock trolls were chasing them around as melody notice every tribe was here. Classical, Funk, Pop, Rock, Techno, and Country. She even saw the leaders, who were standing on the rock that was surrounded by lava." MELODY?!" Shout trollex in shock as he saw her flew passed him and the other leaders.

The rock trolls manage to caught the K-pop trolls and Reggaeton trolls, Tresillo called out to melody," SEÑORA! CATCH!" Melody dived down as she caught the guitar in her hand as she flew up. The rock trolls couldn't reach out, cause melody was flying. Barb have enough of it a she grab the other guitar as she throw it to her, making poppy gasped and shout," MELODY! WATCH OUT!!" Melody look up to see a guitar heading her way. It was too late for her to dodge it.

It hit her wing making her scream when she heard a bone snap. She slowly falls on the stage as she crash landed." MELODY!!" Shout poppy and also the leaders and branch in fear seeing their human friend and companion has fallen. Groaning in pain. Barb smirk as she made her way to the fallen human. She grab her guitar and slowly stroke it. She hum evilly as she smirk at poppy's way. Branch realize that she gonna rock zombie her, making run and jump saying," NO!"

As Barb strum her guitar creating a energy, heading it's way to poppy, but it was blockout by branch. His body was wrap by a rock as it crash on the ground. Poppy gasp in shook, as well as melody as she manage to stand up with the help of the snack pack, carefully because of her broken wing.

Everything was silence until the rock slowly crack as it reveal rock zombie branch, making everyone gasped.

Everything was silence until the rock slowly crack as it reveal rock zombie branch, making everyone gasped

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"Who's ready to rock!?" Shout rock zombie branch, mamking every rock trolls scream in joy and go crazy. Poppy could not believe it. Barb wanted all the trolls to be same in one music. That's not harmony!!

Melody couldn't not believe it. True it's kinda awesome in her world as she watch this but in real life. Definately a big nono for that. She watch branch hook up barb as she jump off the stage as she strum her guitar, rocking it. Then send a wave of energy to the leader, turning them into rock zombie, even Delta and TROLLEX?!" Trollex no!!" Shout TBDB in Melody's hand as he stared in disbelief seeing his best friend has turn into a rock zombie.

Barb landed on the stage as she gave a rock posed, making every rock trolls cheered except the other tribe, who was now frighten. " Barb stop this! This is not what harmony was like!" Shout poppy as barb look a har as she said, while stroking her guitar," duh, it is pinkie. This is what harmony is like!" Melody glared at her as she stood up, with out any help from the snack pack as she said," BY TURNING EVERYONE INTO A ROCK ZOMBIE!? IN ONE MUSIC?! THAT'S NOT HARMONY!!" Her scream just shooken the stage making everyone balance them selves.

But barb didn't listen as she point her guitar at poppy, who manage to get out of the cage. Melody notice this then panic as she scream to poppy," POPPY LOOK OUT!" It was too late. Barb send a wave towards to poppy making her body wrap around by rock. This made melody scream in fear," POPPY!!"

Melody stared at the stone in front of them then suddenly it cracks to reveal rock zombie poppy, who jumping and screaming, saying," WHO'S READY TO PARTY! With out smilling" melody stared at her in shock as tears came to her eyes. The pop trolls stared at their queen in shock and disbelief as peppy said with shock look on his face," No" barb smirk a she tossed her guitar to rock zombie poppy as she said," why don't you hive a try and TURN EVEYONE INTO ROCK ZOMBIE" rock zombie slowly step forward as she start rocking the guitar as she made her way in front of the pop trolls.

Melody was about to stop her, but poppy suddenly wink at melody, making her stop. Poppy slowly turn around and poiny every rock zombie as she turn them back to normal. Bar was confuse and shock," what is going?! You suppose to be rock zombie?! " poppy grab something in her ear and show it a gum drop. Making melody cringe at disgust since its on her ears.

Then she suddenly remember, that this is what will happen when poppy broke the guitar as she broke the 6 strings.

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