chapter five: death of creek/Bridget crush

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Melody p.o.v

As we went in, well i kinda transform into a fairy, which made branch jump a bit in surprise, while Poppy was used to it. we rush toward the door and we manage to find the opening to let us through since i can't change my size into human size. I don't want the guards to notice me. The three of us climb up, well using their hair while i flew up. we hid behind the lamp, to see the king of Bergens, King Gristle Jr.

Who was banging his head on his throne. Poppy and branch were whispering each other about the plan, while me, continued to watch the servant Bergen name Bridget, who i know has a huge crush on the king. Then all the suddenly the chef came. I kinda cringe at her appearance, well we all kinda cringe right readers?

. . . . . nevermind of that, anyway, as the chef show the trolls which was the snack pack and Creek. Which Poppy gasp, almost loud, luckily Branch cover her mouth. We watch them talk and talk until few hours, Chef was already clean and well, dressed up. She even grab creek and put it on the sandwich.

It's kinda funny to watch King Gristle, keep asking question non-stop, he was like, hesitated to eat it. Then the chef was getting angry making her shout," EAT IT!" then she shove the food with Creek on it. The snack pack and Poppy gasped in horror, well except me and branch. I could see the guards bring out the trumpets and start playing as the chef push his chair away, after shoving the cage, were the snack pack is, to Bridget and order her to take it to her room and guard it.

As she takes the cage away, Poppy and Branch follow her, leaving me behind. I look behind me, where the chef and the king left and i know that creek will asked his freedom as a return of he could show where the other trolls village. 

As i flew to the door, where Bridget slept, i change my size into human, my fairy wings are still on me. I was about to open the door, i heard screaming and shouting and Bridget voice, who was trying to catch them. I quickly open the door, to see them were chasing around but they stop, when they heard the door open. They all look at my way, realizing that i open the door.

The trolls look relief to see me here, while Bridget was surprise and some sort curious about me. Which is good, cause i thought she'll might freak out when she see a human with fairy wings. Poppy stood up, beside the curtains were Bridget hid the picture of the king, her crush.

"BRIDGET! STOP! I know that you have a crush on the King!" she said as Bridget gasp a bit as she hold a wooden spoon close to her chest. "what? i don't know what are you talking about" she said with a doubtful look on her face. I gave her a look as i said, " really?" then Poppy pull the curtains to show the picture of the kind and herself, getting married.

Bridget gasp and quickly rush towards the place and close it saying, " i don't know how it got here? it's not mind" I look at her then walk my way to the curtain then push away the curtain as i look at her. " It's okey. Even you have a crush king you don't have to be a shame to it" i said as poppy, who surprisely came on my shoulder.

"Yeah. There's nothing to be fear off" she agree with me as Bridget look away from us saying, " what's a point? he never know it was me who was alive and never know that i like him" Poppy jump off my shoulder and talk to her as i look up to see branch at the window. I slowly shrank myself to troll size and flew up to his place.

"what's wrong branch?" i asked him, making him jump a bit then he look at me. " oh. It's you" he said as he looks away from me. " Yes it is me. So what's wrong ?" i asked again to him. He look at me then look away, without answering my question. I gave him a 'really' look on my face as poppy came out of no where and start asking branch why he doesn't sing. I kinda cringe at that.

Hey! i know that Branch's past was very sensitive to him. I know he lost  his grandmother, when the bergen ate her as she save his life. I snap out of it when i heard him shouting, " BECAUSE SINGING KILL MY GRANDMOTHER OKEY?!" Poppy and the others were surprise, except me, since i know it.

I gave branch a sad look and pity. Branch look away as he start explaining what happen back there, as others listen.

(skip it to 0:35)

I kinda got trigger a bit when everyone start to sing, even bridget. but i calm down as poppy apologize to him, saying that she didn't know.

Branch look at her then looks away. Poppy was about to turn around and leave but branch stop her. "Look" poppy and everyone look at him" I will help you. BUT. doesn't mean i will sing alright" he said making Poppy and other gasp in happiness and rush to him hugging, while me standing there, smiling at them. I chuckle a bit when branch look at me giving me a 'help me' look on his face. I only shook my head with a smile as i clap my hands, gaining the attention form the trolls and Bridget.

"well? what are we waiting? Make-over!" i said as the troll squeal in joy and rush away. I look at branch as he mouth the words 'thank you' as i gave him a nod and smile and flew away, heading towards the others as i help them, getting Bridget ready

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