(Trolls world tour) chapter eight: Smooth Jazz?/ k-pop and reggaeton trolls?

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Later that night, poppy, Branch, Biggie, Hickory, melody, and trollex, were on the bigh fort raft that was made by hickory. Now they were sailing off through the river stream. Melody sat up the stairs as she watch poppy and branch talk and poppy went to talk to hickory. She sigh as she wince in pain in her heart, making her reach her hand as she place it on her chest, were her heart is.

"Melody? Are you okey? You wince a bit?" Melody look at trollex, who came out of the water as he floated beside her. Melody nodded and said," yeah, i'm fine. It's just, i don't know why am i feeling this pain whenever the strings were taken away or been steal away. Is this some sort of connection?" Trollex went in deep thought at melody's question.' If the strings were taken in each tribe, melody will feel it?' Thought trollex, making shook his head.' No. Maybe it's just chest pain......... I think'

Then melody notice something on the water. She went there making trollex notice." Melody?" Melody didn't answer, she saw a soap? With candle lights appearing? Wha? Then melody realize something making her sapphire eys went wide. " trollex cover your ears!" Trollex covered his ears as what melody said. Melody quickly covered her ears jazzy melody started to played around the area.

While the others look up ahead to see a smooth jazz troll leader, named Chaz, who came up from the bubbles, playing a jazz melody🎷. Melody notice that poppy and the others were getting effected by smooth jazz melody. As Chaz tied up in rose petals as they were still listening to Chaz's melody. However, melody and hickory, who were in the main deck, clearly not amused by Chaz's jazz melody, while trollex look at him confuse and curious, who's still covering his ears.

Chaz floated around hickory and melody, trying to tranquilize them aswell. Hickory kicked Cazh in his triblets off the raft, making melody and trollex move away, from the jazz trolls. Chaz stopped in mid air and said," WAIT!..........Ya like jazz?" He asked to melody, giving her a flirt look on his face, making trollex glared at him. Melody was not amused by this as she pick up Chaz's trumpet and throw it at him. Hitting it on his face which made chaz splash into the river.

Melody cross her arms as she turn around and sit down as hickory said," I don't care much for smootj jazz" poppy and the others snap out of the weird hallucination when melody snap her fingers at their face. Branch rubs his head as he asked melody," ugh....... what happened?"" You been tranquilize by jazz troll music" said melody as she sat down in front of them, with trollex, who pop out of the water as he look at the pop trolls, who were trying to shake away the dizziness.

Melody watch them talking again until biggie gasp. Melody raise her eye brow in question look on her face, as she listen to their talking." You're........" biggie said as poppy panic as she was about to made an excuse but biggie continued," .........not obeying the pinkie promise!!😱😱😱😱😱" melody look at poppy, who was surprise then look back to biggie who was about to leave. He took mr. dinkles, and pulled his hat. Making mr. dinkles submarine noises and vibrate. Biggie dropped mr. dinkles in the river as he got on mr. dinkles, who made bubbles. And both of them went away into the opposite direction of the river.

Melody and trollex blink for a second as they watch biggie left. Then they look back to poppy, who frowns and said, " great, now i'm terrible at pinkie promiser in the universe." Melody raise her eye brow as she looks at trollex who gave as same look then back to poppy. Then all the sudden Chaz climbed up onto the raft, coughing up water. This startle melody as she stood up turning into a centaur," WHAT THE?!"

***Few minutes of explaination***
" so let me get this straight" poppy began to summurize what Chaz said," queen barb came to your place then threaten you guys to stop us from ruining her plan. And you refuse to do it. Then she ruin your home so you agreed cause you didn't have a choice......did i say it right?" Chaz nodded. Melody shook her head and smile that poppy amde a new friend today. Even this tribe didn't have a string yet. Then chaz notice her and gave her a flirty look, making his way to melody," hello there~" he said smoothly as melody smile and said," hello Chaz."" Soo......what kind of creature are you~" he asked as melody said," oh! Well, i'm a human. But i have powers so yeah. I'm sorry that i throw your instrument at you"" no worries lovely melody~ no worries~" said Chaz as he gave her a flirtly look on his face.

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