(Trolls world tour) chapter eleven: the funk trolls/rescue mission

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Poppy, branch, Hickory, melody, and trollex, continued their quest on the raft. Melody was asleep due to what happen yesterday. Trollex, who was keeping on eye on melody, to make sure she didn't feel any more pain. But he's still glaring at his buddy, who was giving him a look that he loves her. Branch sat at the edge of the raft, looking down a bit as he slowly start thinking of something about how he could express his feelings to poppy.

Then he was startle by Hickory, who came to his side, while playing his banjo. Poppy giggle a bit when she see it in front of her. Melody slowly open her eyes, as she slowly stood up and yawn. She looks around seeing everyone is doing their thing. But she wasn't sure what trollex is doing. She watch him, talking to his buddy, TBDB, about something then blush furiously as he glared at him something. Melody giggle a bit as she looks away when a memory came to her about what happen yesterday.

She frown a bit as she stared at the water, looking at her reflection on it. She didn't know that trollex was looking at her, seeing her awake,making him sigh in relief and smile. But got ruin by TBDB, who teased him again making him groan in annoyances. Melody slowly stood up and went around the raft, humming a song she used to sing during the concert back to her world.

Then all the sudden, something came above them. A ship. This made everyone panic. Well except melody and poppy. Then a bubble came down as it scoop up hickory and branch. As well as trollex and his buddy. Melody and poppy were aweing at the bubble that came close to them then they were scoop uo making poppy panic while melody yelp in surprise.

They were slowly taken up to the ship as it close then left. Poppy look around and gasped as she grab melody's head and force her to look at the way she's looking at. Melody gasp in surprise and awe, as well as poppy as the two smile to see all the funk trolls. Melody notice that this place looks kinda funky but hey, it's funk trolls. As the bubble takes them up and it pop making the two fall softly then the three came and fall over when the bubble pop.

" ow" said branch on the ground. As trollex manage to float up, while holding his buddy, as he look around. Then all the sudden," welcome to the funk trolls tribe." Poppy look at the funk troll that she thought it was cooper. Melody look behind her to see the real cooper behind her, telling her be quiet that he wanted to surprise poppy. Melody nodded as she looks at poppy as she mistakenly called the other guy, whom melody recognize him as prince D, twin brother of Cooper.

" um actually im right here poppy!" Said cooper as he finally reveal himself to them. Poppy and the others look back and fort to each brothers,while melody laugh. Poppy have finally realize that this two are twins. Then cooper introduce them to his parents, King Quincy and Queen Essence, parents of Prince cooper and Prince D. Melody smile at the royal family as she gave them a bow in greetings.

She listen to explanation from cooper how he was found by his parents. Which she know about. Prince D asked melody what kind of creature is she, which he scold by his mother, telling him it was rude to asked her that. Melody kindly smile and answered that she was a human, but has a magical powers. Then poppy told the king and queen about queen barb and her plan. And her plan is to reunited all the tribes to stop her. But the king and queen look each other and told poppy something, that melody knows.

They all start singing how the tribes were divided. All because of the pop trolls. Poppy look shook and disbelief as melody look at her worriedly,"poppy? Are you okey??" Poppy snap out of it and nodded as Queen Essence continued to explain poppy. Then all the suddenly, the alarm went out. Prince D shout ," the rock trolls are here!" King Quincy step forward as he other the funk trolls," Prepare for battle!"

Melody transform into a fairy as she flew up to see every funk troll grab their instrument ans they were riding on something she don't know. Then she saw Cooper start tapping on the piano tiles as a bubble came and scoop up poppy and branch. As well as Hickory. Then Melody and trollex. Melody saw panic on poppy face, as they were outside of the ship to see Rock trolls blimps were surrounding the funk ship.

She even saw hickory got seperate from them. Only melody, branch, trollex and poppy were left. As the bubble took them down, beside the river. Melody look worried as she watch poppy and branch argue non-stop. Trollex look at the two with worried and lost hope. Their lost. Barb has got the 5 strings. Well except pop. He sigh in sadness as he decided to leave.

H slowly sank down in the water, as he last look at melody, who wasn't looking at him. Then he disappeared. As he swam way, a net came out of nowhere, making trollex, push TBDB away." TROLLEX!!" Shout TBDB in fear as he tries to catch up." TBDB!" Shout trollex back as the net took him up the surface disappearing. TBDB start crying as he slowly made his way back to where poppy and the other are.

Back to melody,
Melody gasp in shock when poppy said,"LEAVE! I CAN HANDLE MYSELF!" She could not believe it. She stared at poppy with tears in front of her eyes, making poppy regret it saying that," melody i'm-" poppy was about to say she was sorry but melody already flew away, leaving the two along.

Melody flew down beside the water, as she cry her eyes out. Hugging her knees close to her chest as she cried. Poppy doesn't understand why all tribes were different. She didn't know that TBDB came in front as he shout," MELODY!" Melody gasp in surprise, as she quickly wipe away her tears, making her look up to see TBDB, but no trollex around," TBDB? What's wrong? Where's trollex??" TBDB start crying as he jumps on her arms as he said," TROLLEX GOT TAKEN AWAY BY ROCK TROLLS!" Melody look shock by this as she tried to calm him down.

" Don't worry. Will save trollex. Let's goo-- ARGH!" Melody groan in pain as she fall over her side making TBDB panic as he tries to nudge melody," MELODY! WHAT'S WRONG!? SAY SOMETHING!?" Shout TBDB to Melody, who was graoning and gasping in pain as she start clawing her chest.' No, not now. I need to save the other trolls! Not toady!' Thought melody as another pain came making her scream.

TBDB didn't know what to do as he cried out for help." HELP! SOME BODY?! HELP!" Then all the sudden Branch came, and he wasn't alone. There's the K-pop trolls and Reggaeton trolls behind. Branch gasp as he rush towards to his human friend," MELODY!!" Trollee and her group gasp in shock as they quickly went to melody side. Tresillo and his señoritas followed as well.

" WHAT'S HAPPENING TO HER SEÑOR?!" Shout Tresillo to branch, who was trying to calm melody down." I don't know! It start happening yesterday!" Shout branch to him as he trying to calm melody down, which it was working. Melody slowly calm down as pain slowly disappearing. All the trolls sigh in relief to see melody was okey. Melody slowly open her sapphire eyes and shock to see branch and the other trolls.

" branch? Where's poppy?" She asked him, even thought she was hurt by what poppy said, but still forgive her." Poppy was taken away by Barb! Cmon! We have to go there! Can you change your size to human size?" As branch to her as melody nodded as branch said," good. Let's go!!"

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