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>>Word count; 1142<<

~Katherine's Pov~

We were all talking about going to the city to get Merle back to camp, Rick said he dropped a bag of guns back there and i hope they're still there because we need everything we can get. "I'll go if you go." I looked over at Glenn and stopped fidgeting with my necklace. "We could use the backup." Rick said, I looked at him then Daryl. He looked away from me and cleaned his arrows. "I'll give you another gun, some ammo." Rick said. "Are you bribing me Grimes.?" i asked smiling a bit, tilting my head.

"I want backup." he said. I shook m head and sighed, "Fine.. I pick the gun." i said. "Deal." he said. I gave him a little nod, "You went through hell to find us. You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave.?" Lori asked. "Dad, I don't want you to go." Carl said. I looked over to them, "To hell with the guns. Shane is right. Merle Dixon.?! He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in." Lori said and stood up. "Tell me, make me understand." She said, I sighed a bit and walked away to the cube van, I opened the back of it and went inside, sitting down. I wouldn't even know what to do if Luna was with me.

I for sure know she wouldn't want me to leave either so i know it's gonna be hard for Carl and Lori to let him go back to the city after they just got him back. I reached up again and played with my necklace.

"You can get anything, this is the only time i'm letting you get anything." I said. "What's my price range.?" Luna asked as we walked around the mall. "Mmm, you can't go past 75.." I said. "Really?! Oh my god that's a lot. Does that mean i can get a dog.?" She asked looking at me. I scoffed and put my hand on her head. "Nice try kiddo." I said. "You said i could get anything.!" She said. "You know we can't get one, remember? We talked about it? Landlord says no pets allowed. If we could, i would get you a dog but we can't baby." I said. She groaned and looked up at me making me laugh a bit.

"Look, you can pick anything out of any store. Clothes, shoes, painting supplies.." i said looking around, she stopped walking and i stopped too, "75 dollars..?" she repeated. I nodded looking at her, "Yeah." i said. She smiled and stated backing away from me. I followed her with a smile, she turned around so she was walking forward, we walked into Kay Jewelers. "Oh cmon.." i said. "You said anything!" She said and walked up to the counter. "Hi." The lady said looking at Luna. I walked up to them both. "Alright, pick." I giggled, she started searching, looking through all the rings, earrings and necklaces. "Birthday girl's gonna kill me." i said looking at the woman. She laughed softly.

"Yeah? How old?" She asked. "10, today." i said. "I want this one." Luna said. We walked over to her and she was pointing at a gold necklace, The woman pulled it out. "I have this in silver too, There's a sale going on. They're originally 85 but.. we're having a sale.." She said pulling out the silver one too, "Buy one get the other half off." She said. Luna grabbed the silver one and looked at it then back at me. "Please..? I wont ask for anything- for like a few months at least." She said. I scoffed, "Jesus.." I said looking at he with a smile. "Please? Look- we can match if you get a silver one too." She said smiling at me.

I kept looking at her. "Oh pleaseeee, Please. Mom i've been getting good grades too. Please." she whispered and hugged me looking up at me. I shook my head, "Fine.." I said putting my hands on her cheeks. "Yayyy!" She said and hugged me properly. "Two silver?" the woman asked. "Yeah, please." I giggled holding Luna. Luna handed the necklace back to the woman. "Thank you mom, you're the best mom in the whole world.!" i said hugging her back. "Thank you mom." She said. "Cmon." i said as we pulled away and i bought the necklaces.

"Okay we can go home now," She said as we walked out of the store, I laughed at her comment. "You're annoying." i said as we walked out of the mall. We went to my car and i started it, "Alright, last thing; Dinner. What do you want?" I asked as i drove. "Can you make spaghetti?" She asked as we stopped at a red light. "Sure." i smiled as she took out the necklace from the box. She put it on and pulled down the mirror to look. "I love it," She whispered. "Hmmm, i wonder why you got it.." I said. "Stop." She laughed and pulled mine out, "Here, put it on." She said. She handed me the necklace and i put it on. "See? Now we're matching. We never take them off okay? Unless- we sleep or shower- or you need to at work but other than that never." She said as i put it on.

She held her pinky out towards me. "Pinky swear." She said, I started driving but she reached out and we locked our pinkies. "Promise." She said and held her thumb out, i did the same and our thumbs touched. "Promise," i repeated.

We let go, "Are we inviting Aiden for dinner?" she asked as i drove

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We let go, "Are we inviting Aiden for dinner?" she asked as i drove. "He said he was coming, yeah. Gray's letter is gonna come soon too alright?" I asked. "Am i ever gonna meet him?" she asked. I nodded, "You will when he comes home baby." I said. "Can we go visit my momma today?" She asked. I nodded. "Of course, we'll buy her some flowers." I said.

"Yo!" My foot was kicked a little. I looked up quickly. "What.?" i asked looking at Daryl. "I said why're you comin'." he said. Glenn got in and backed up the truck. Daryl sat down as the truck moved. I shrugged a bit, "I got asked to, and i'm getting a gun. So," i said. He kept looking at me, "You got a hell of a grip for a damn woman." He said. "4 hits and you're on the ground." i said. He scoffed as the van came to a stop, "Yeah right." He said standing up and hopped back out to get his things.


Katherine's siblings in order;

Amelia Twin (Older sister) 39

Aiden Twin (Older brother) 39

Grayson "Gray" (Older brother) 35

Katherine (Youngest) 32

Picture of the necklace:

"Luna" means "Moon"

"Luna" means "Moon"

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