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>>Word count; 1107<<

~Katherine's Pov~Couple of days later~

Daryl came back inside and headed directly upstairs. He came back with his vest. "I'm goin' out." he said going to the closet. I closed the book I was reading, "Where?" i asked as he pulled out a bag. "Denise thinks there's a place with meds." he said going to the kitchen and putting some water bottles and snacks in the bag. "Takin' her and your girlfriend." He said. I smirked a bit. "Shut up.." I said softly. He smirked a bit too and looked at me then back down at the bag. "I'll go." I said. "Nah. Just got you back, stay here." He said. "Oh cmon." I said. "Nah." he said again and closed up the bag. "You can't be serious. I'm gonna be with you the whole time." I said.

"Do I have to tie you down.?" He asked looking at me. I smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I mean.." I said tilting my head and looking away from him. He scoffed and smiled looking at me. "You're ain't comin'." he said. "I'm kidding." I laughed a bit and looked back at him, he chuckled slightly looking at the bag. "Please." i said smiling. "No.." he said as his smile faded and he looked back at me. "Don't fight me on this. Stay here, alright.?" he asked looking at me. I sighed a bit, "Fine.." I said softly. "Alright." he mumbled and came to me, He kissed me and patted my butt a bit. "Stay put babe." he said. "Okay babe." i said. "See you later," he said looking at me. "Be careful." I said. "Yeah." He said and left the house.

~The next day~

Rosita, Glenn, Daryl, Michonne and I were out in the woods. That run he Rosita and Denise went on went wrong. They ran into other Saviors, Daryl told me he recognized one of them. Rosita said he was probably going after them and she knew where he was going so we were gonna go get him before he did something stupid. We found his bike a few minutes ago, we finally spotted him so we started making our way over to him. He looked at us and shot an arrow, hitting the tree right next to Rosita, a few inches from her face. She pulled the arrow out from the tree angrily. "Watch the hell out asshole." Rosita said as he made his way over to us, "Yeah I did. You shouldn't have come." He said, pulling the arrow out of her hand. "You shouldn't have left." I said looking at him. We needed to convince him to come back with us. When he's angry he doesn't think straight. He acts out on rage and it always ends bad, and right now he was pissed because of Denise's death.

He stopped walking and turned around walking over to me. "When I split off from Sasha and Abraham. He was out there in the woods. In that burned down forest with them girls! Put a gun to my head! Tied me up! You know this! Why the hell're you tryna stop me?!" He asked angrily, in my face. "Because you're not thinking straight." I said looking at him, Starting to get angry because he was yelling at me. "You don't think that happened to me? I get you.! Me, Maggie and Carol killed them because of what happened to us." I said looking at him. He shook his head and started walking away. "So you think it's your fault?" Glenn asked walking to him. Daryl turned around again and walked over to Daryl. "Yeah i know it is. I'm gonna go do what i should have done before." He said walking away again.

"What. For her? She's gone, man. You're doing this for you." Glenn said walking up to him. He stopped and looked back at him. "Man, i don't give a shit." he said and started walking again. "Daryl." i said going after him again. I grabbed his arm and he pulled his arm away roughly. "I'd kill them and do more for you! If that was you. It's my fault, I gotta do right by her. I'd do it for you." Dary said and looked me dead in the eyes then walked away again. "Daryl please." I said and went after him again. "Daryl." Glenn said going after him too, he stood in front of him, stopping him. "We need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home. We need you. And everyone out there needs you right now. It's gonna go wrong out here." Glenn said. "Please come back." I said shaking my head. "We'll square it. I will. I promise you." Michonne said as she and Rosita came to us as well.

"Just come back." Michonne said. He looked at me then over to Glenn. "I can't.." He said walking away again. "Daryl." Glenn said again "Man I can't!" he said as his voice shook a bit, he didn't turn back he just kept walking. "I can't either." Rosita said and walked away, going with Daryl. "Rosita." I said trying to go after her. "No- cmon." Glenn said. I looked back at him. "Let's go. Can't lose you too." He said shaking his head. I looked at him and sighed then over at Rosita who kept walking in the distance. "Damn it.." I said looking at her walk. I shook my head and walked over to Glenn and Michonne. I hated that I had to choose but we had to be ready at Alexandria in case anything happened.. At least they had each other, they both know how to fight so there's that.. But still they left, and I hated that they left. We kept walking through the woods.

"Thing is, Those men could be back at Alexandria right now." He said. "If they are, They're dead." Michonne said. "I hope not. We need them alive. We need to find out more." he said. I nodded a bit, "Yeah," I said softly. "We do." Michonne said. We came across a lake. We stopped walking. "We just got stuck with each other." He said. I looked at him. "We were lucky. We figured it all out together. I felt like we did. After everything we did. The world's not what we thought it was. Hilltop, The Saviors, It's bigger." He said looking at us. We started hearing whistling and our weapons went up. The more whistles we heard, the more men popped out with guns all pointed at us.

"Hi." One of them said looking at us.

" One of them said looking at us

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