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>>Word count; 1161<<

A/N: I saw a comment on my last chapter saying that she was really sad (Which she is, as is everyone else) But i wanted to point out that i think the only people to see her this sad/ drained were Rick and Daryl. She's only cried in front of both of them regarding Luna (not counting when Negan showed up bc everyone cried) But as for everyone else, it's the first time they've seen her this put down. Bc now that i'm looking back/ remembering, whenever some bad shit happened to the group she was the one trying to make everyone smile yk? :(( I feel hella weird writing her so sad and crying :(

~Katherine's Pov~Couple days later~

Negan and his people were here early, and they took a lot of our things.. All of our weapons.. They brought Daryl with them but they didn't let us talk to him at all, we couldn't even look at him. He looked terrible, he was all beat up. I was glad they were leaving though.. We tried getting Daryl to stay but it didn't work. Everyone started getting in their vehicles, I felt eyes on me. It was a burning gaze that you couldn't really ignore. I looked around, Daryl wasn't the one looking at me. He only looked at me once when I first saw him but that's it, he hasn't looked at me anymore.

I finally saw who was looking at me but they looked back down quickly once I looked over at him. He was leaning against the back of a truck. I tilted my head a bit as I walked over to them to get a better look at them. He looked up at me and held a hand up towards me slightly, moving away from the truck and shaking his head with tears in his eyes. I felt tears well up in my eyes too looking at him but I stopped walking. I gasped a bit feeling my heart drop, have you ever been on a roller coaster..? You're at the very top then you fall fast? I felt that right now.

He shook his head again, looking away from me just for a second then looking back at me. My heart was racing. Our eyes were just locked, we couldn't stop looking at each other. "Move it Grayson." Someone said patting his back. A tear finally fell as I heard his name. They got in their vehicles. He looked away pissed then back at me, I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him just shaking my head a bit. I couldn't speak, hell I could barely even breathe. "I'm sorry." He mouthed, Another tear fell from my eyes. I didn't see him when they all first got here, he was probably avoiding me. I don't know why, why would he want to avoid me.?? I kept looking at him, He got in the vehicle too and closed the door. I just kept looking at him, I couldn't stop staring.

He was alive.

He looked at me again and shook his head a bit, squeezing the bridge of his nose. He stopped and looked around quickly then started tapping on the mirror. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly looking at his fingers. He kept on tapping a pattern and I realized it was Morse Code.


He looked back at me and gave me a look as the cars in front of him started moving out. I gasped a bit, finally breathing and gave him a small nod as another tear fell. I wanted to hug him so bad, i can tell he did too by the look in his eyes. He looked away from me and they left Alexandria.

The last truck drove away, Daryl was in it. He looked at both me and Rick then away. "We'll get him back." He said. I nodded a bit, wiping the tears from my cheeks and walked back to my house. I just cried feeling a deep pressure in my chest, I put my hand on my necklace/ chest and caught my breath a bit as I walked. "Kat." I heard Carl's voice. "No." I said not looking at him, I kept walking. I didn't wanna talk to anyone, I didn't wanna see or be around anyone. I just needed to be alone. "Katherine-" He said stepping in front of me, trying to stop me. "No!" I yelled a little, looking at him.

I covered my mouth quickly, He kept looking at me kind of taken back. I gasped a bit looking at him, keeping my hand over my mouth. I felt my heart sink again. I shook my head instantly regretting it. I uncovered my mouth a bit. "I'm sorry-" I said as my voice cracked. I've never yelled at him before.. But i was feeling way too much right now and it just came out. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry." i said shakily and walked around him quickly, heading over to my 'house'. I started cleaning up trying to keep my mind busy but I couldn't, he was on my mind the whole time.

My brother was alive, But he was a Savior.

~Later on that same night~

I cleaned up a little, it was still kinda messy but not as much as it was before. The saviors trashed the houses, taking things they wanted no matter how big or small they were. The door opened to my house, I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. "Hey." I heard Rick's voice. "Hey." I said sniffling and kept cleaning. "Carl wanted me to check in on you.." he said looking at me. My back was facing him, i didn't wanna look at him ".. Said you were pretty upset.." he said.

I looked down a bit. "I yelled at him- i have to-" I said and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I have to talk to him." I said and shook my head. "Yeah he's giving you some space," he said. I slowed down, tossing a pen on the counter. "Can you look at me.?" He asked. These last few days i've been pushing people away, not really coming out of the house unless i really needed to. I haven't been around anyone, i haven't talked to anyone. Today was the first time I've been around anyone since Glenn and Abraham.

I turned around to him after a few seconds and looked at him with. "I didn't mean to." I whispered with tears in my eyes. "I know," he said softly, "It came out, I really didn't mean to Rick." i said shaking my head. He nodded, "It's alright, I know." He said looking at me. I shook my head. "Can you- I'm gonna go talk to him," I said. "I'll tell him to come, I need to talk to Michonne. Need the house empty." he said. I nodded a bit, "Okay." I said. "You talk to me tomorrow, alright.?" He asked not taking his eyes off me. "I gave you your space too but you gotta talk to me now." He said, I nodded a bit and licked my lips slightly. "Okay." I whispered looking at him, "Alright," he said and put a hand on my arm, he walked out of the house. I took my hair out of the ponytail it was in and ran my hand through my hair pacing a bit, playing with the moon charm on my necklace with my other hand. I felt like shit for yelling at him even if it was unintentional.

 I felt like shit for yelling at him even if it was unintentional

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A/N: Still looking for a face claim on Grayson.! I'll announce it once i find a fit.. i'm leaning towards it being Jensen Ackles since there's a lot of gifs of him already using guns and fighting bc of Supernatural, i might just use him as the face claim.. But if you guys have any other actors in mind please let me know!

Please stay safe and indoors, i love you all. Hope you and your families are doing well. 🦋✨

Question: How did you find my book? :)

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