Chapter 1

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Quick A/N: I'm going try to reread it so there is no typos. Enjoy :)

(Y/N's POV)

It was another normal day. I walking to school just like any other day. I was listening to music through my earbuds with my hands stuffed in my hoodies' pockets. I walked through the giant highschool doors to my first class.

I wasn't much of a popular kid, sure I had a few friends, but I'm pretty much a loner. My best friend Judy skipped my way.

"Why don't you turn that frown, upside down." Judy beamed.

"I didn't sleep well, don't expect me to be a little ray of sunshine today." I said and gave a tiny smile.

Judy just accepted it. I had my on and off days and today was an off day. It was for no particular reason, I was just tired. Most days, I would be as enthusiastic as Judy. And then some days, I would be a little stormy cloud. Judy was pretty used to it, she's been my friend since third grade. She would always comfort me on my off days and on my on days, we would be random together.

We walked into our class and sat at our seats. The school bell rang and more students poured into the class. After a little while the teacher walked in. She began teaching the class and I just sat in my chair and zoned out.

Judy tapped on my shoulder, "Hey, look at all those rainy clouds." She was looking out the window.

"Ah yes, I love the rain." I said, looking out the window now.

"Maybe we can jump in puddles later, or sing in the rain." Judy smiles happily.

I loved Judy's bubbly self. "Yeah, then we can go to the mall or something and eat all the samples at the food court." I giggled a little.

"Yea! That'd be fun!" She said.

(Time skip to lunch brought to you by me staying up way past my bedtime, even tho I dont sleep anymore)

It was lunch time and I walked to the music class as usual. I would always go there at lunch to listen to the school's pianist, Eugene. He was pretty good, and his voice, it's like an angel. I don't really know him and he's in none of my classes, but every now and then we would bump into each other in the halls.

I sat down right outside and ate my lunch while listening. I heard him sing to the melody to the song he was playing. His voice was so soft, just enough for a small room to hear. It seemed so peaceful.

Then I got up after he finished and went back to the cafeteria. I threw away my trash and looked for Judy. I spotted Judy hanging out with some of our other friends.

Then all of hell broke lose.

There was a loud ringing from the school. There was screams and cries of terror in the distance. I tried to look for Judy again, but she was nowhere to be seen. I ran out of the the school and looked at my phone. There was a few notifications. I read through them and then something caught my eye. I looked up and saw a person limping towards me. I narrowed my eyes and looked at it. It had gross purple pale skin and it had ripped clothes on and when a girl ran past it, it quickly limped towards her. I watched in horror as the thing caught the girl and ripped her apart and started to munch down on the evening snack.

I ran the other way. I didn't know where to go or what to do. I ran into a small pharmacy and dumped my backpack. Then I went through the aisles a grabbed things I thought I would need. I grabbed my phone again and there was an alert.


I read the alert in horror. I ran out of the pharmacy and stared. Many people screamed and ran in all different directions. The next thing I did, was run into a clothing store. There were a few employees there. I ran to the back of the store to the dressing rooms. I quickly went into one and locked the door. I sat in the corner and waited. I listened as many screams passed by.

It seemed like I've sitting there for hours. Everything had seemed to die down (heh). Everything was unusually quiet. When I thought that the coast was clear, I unlocked the door and walked out quietly. Some of the employees that were hiding spotted me.

"Go find supplies and a shelter. Find a weapon, don't go out unless its safe." I whispered to them.

They all nodded and grabbed a few things before leaving. I grabbed a few extra clothing and looked around to find something to defend myself with. When I didn't find anything I went to the next store, a small hardware store. I looked around and found a hammer. It would be good to bash the creatures in the head with. I stuffed the hammer in my bag, then grabbed a long, not as heavy, metal pipe.

I walked out and looked for a safe place to hide. My house was thirty minutes away from here by driving, so that was out of the question. I decided to go into one of the stores that have a room on top of them. I climbed the stairs and went in and locked the door. There was nobody here. I put my backpack down and flopped onto the bed.

"I hope this is all just a bad dream." I mumbled into the pillow.

I actually like this so far. That's the first. Uh, well, I hope you like this. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment, even if it's not a question or suggestion.

Anyways, see ya!

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