Chapter 9

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(Y/N's POV)

For the rest of the ten minutes, me and Eugene cuddled. It was s great time. Until we had to go with the others to get lunch.

We all walked down the stairs to the cafeteria. We donated some of our food to the cafeteria because we had plenty. When we got to the cafeteria, there was a bunch of people chatting and eating. There were kids running around the tables playing tag. It looked like the apocalypse never even happened.

We all got in line. The line wasn't that long, it had about fifteen people in it.

"Eugene? Is that you?" A voice from behind us asked.

We all turned around and there was a girl our age staring at us.

"Kelcy?" Eugene tilted his head.

"Oh my god. It is you!" The girl ran up to Eugene and gave him a hug.

"Kelcy, it's been so long. How are you?" Eugene smiled and put Kelcy down.

"I know right? I've been alright. I'm so glad that I made it here." Kelcy chimed.

"Yeah, same. I made it here with my friends. Uhm, Harry, Zion, Y/N, Scarlett, Hailey, Ethan, and Judy." Eugene said.

We all gave confused looks to each other then waved.

"Oh, sorry. We were like, best friends in high school." Kelcy explained.

"Oh." I mumbled.

Judy walked up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder. I just smiled at her when she gave me an 'are you ok' look.

Eugene and Kelcy kept on talked as the line grew shorter. The rest of us were talking together, but there was also an awkward feeling going around.

We grabbed our food and found a table in the sun.

I felt kind of jealous. I know that they are friends and all, but just that shes a girl, it makes me jealous. I sat there and ate my sandwich in silence.

(Time skip)

It was around nine ish and Eugene and Kelcy were hanging out somewhere while I was in our room, alone. I just wish that she wasn't here. I want to be with Eugene.

(Eugene's POV)

Me and Kelcy were on walk while catching up with each other. Talking about the apocalypse, and how we were before it all happened. It was great seeing her again. She was my only friend in highschool, asides from a couple of other people that we saw today.

It was getting dark, so we sat on a bench for a little while.

"It was really great seeing you again. I can't believe we made it. This whole thing kind of scared me. I thought we weren't going to make it." I admitted.

"Yeah, same." Kelcy agreed.

"Well, it's getting dark. I should go." I told her.

"Yeah, well, goodnight Eugene." She smiled.

"Goodnight." I replied.

We stood up, then Kelcy gave a little peck on the cheek.

"Bye." She smiled and walked the opposite direction.

"Bye." I said while walking back to my room.

Then I re that I completely ignored Y/N all day. I felt kind of bad, but I bet she'll get that I was just catching up with a friend.

I made my way back to our room. I opened the door to see Y/N sitting on the bed, reading a book.

"About time." She said in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I just haven't seen-" she cut me off.

"I get it. It's fine" Y/N said, not taking her eyes off the book.

"Thanks." I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. "Whatcha reading?"

"Oh nothing. Just a book I didn't get to finish before the apocalypse." She put a bookmark in the book and closed it, then put it on the bedside table.

I could tell that she was upset. Probably cause I spent the whole day with Kelcy. I made a mental note to stay with Y/N tomorrow and cuddle with her.

"Wanna go to sleep?" I asked, hoping she'll cuddle with me.

"Yeah, sure." She said, turning off the lamps.

She got back into the bed and pulled the covers over her. I then went under the covers after pulling off my hoodie. I wrapped my arm around her. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too." She replied.

"Tomorrow, I promise I'll spend the whole day with you and only you." I promised her.

"Thanks Eugene." She seemed a bit happier at the the promise I made.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck and fell asleep.

(Ahem, this is a dream now)

I woke up, to screams outside. I sat up and looked over to see that Y/N wasn't there. I ran out of the room and out of the apartments. Outside was zombies pouring in from a large hole and the wall. People were running left and right, and zombies were attacking.

I tried yelling for my friends, but I couldn't find them. Then I saw Y/N. I ran up to her. She saw me and ran towards me. Then, out of nowhere, a zombie came behind her. It grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards it. Then it took both of her arms and ripped them apart. She yelled in agony as the zombie sunk its golden yellow teeth into her skin.

I stared in horror. "Y/N!"

I burst awake, sweating and breathing heavily.

"Eugene? Are you ok?" Y/N asked in a worried tone.

"Huh?" I said looking at her.

"You yelled my name." She told me.

"Oh, sorry. I just had a nightmare." I started to calm down, realizing that it was just a dream.

"Its fine, Eugene. If you wanna talk about it, you can, alright?" She looked at me, rubbing my back.

"Thanks Y/N. It was just a bad dream." I said reassuringly.

"Alright." She layed back down.

I sat there for a couple of seconds, then did the same, wrapping my arm around her.

It was still dark out, and I had a hard time falling back asleep. But, eventually I did.

The next morning, we woke up to have breakfast. I told the others that I was going to eat breakfast with just Y/N. She seemed really happy. We grabbed our food and found a small table for us to sit.

Not that many people were out, so it was pretty easy to find. We talked for a little while until Kelcy came up.

"Hey Eugene! Wanna hang out today?" Y/N looked annoyed.

"Sorry, Kelcy. But I promised Y/N that is spend the day with her." I told Kelcy.

"Oh, that's fine. She can also hang out with us." Kelcy smiled.

"Uh, Kelcy, I meant just me and Y/N." I stated.

"Oh, ok. I guess I'll see you later." Kelcy did an awkward wave and left.

"Sorry about-" I started.

"Thanks, Eugene." Y/N smiled.

"No problem. After breakfast, we can go back to the room and cuddle." O said happily.

"Yes!" Y/N cheered.

Another chapter done. There are still more chapters, btw. Sorry for the dream, I know it was weird, hey. Ummm I forgot what else I was gonna say.

Anyways, see ya!

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