Chapter 5

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(Eugene's POV)

I asked Y/N to scoot closer to me so she got warmer. It was a little awkward. We aren't really close, but we were friends. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. We layed down together with my arm still wrapped around her.

"Thanks for keeping me warm." Y/N said after yawning.

"Uh, no problem." I said nervously.

"Move, my arm is falling asleep." I pushed her a little.

"Ok, ok, fine." Y/N sat up and began to walk away.

"No! It's too cold. Come back!" I whined.

"Fine. Just because you're cute when you whine." She shook her head and walked back over.

Wait, cute? She called me cute. She layed back down next to me. Y/N gets under the sheet and snuggles next to me. "You any warmer now?"

"No." I wrap my arm back around her,  her face buried in my chest.

I pull her closer to me. Our foreheads pressed together looking into each others eyes. I could hear my heart beating faster, and feel my face getting redder. She looked at me with glistening E/C eyes.

"Eugene?" She whispered softly.


"I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered back.

Then I planted my lips on hers. I could feel her smiling. Our lips were moving perfectly in sync. When we broke apart, we stared into each others eyes. It was perfect. No, she was perfect.

(Y/N's POV)

I'm speechless. His kiss. His eyes. His hair. Him. I loved him. His kiss felt like home. Like a place you have always wanted but never known. It was like a slow morning with family, the steadily rising sun outside of the window and cold floor beneath your feet. The kiss warmed my heart like a nice bug cup of soup on a cold day, and yet, froze it like an icy pole on a summer's day. Kissing him reminded me of better times, of great times and of the best times. He made me feel safe, secured and loved.

I couldn't help but smile. He was perfect. I felt my face heat up, so I buried my face in his chest so he wouldn't see it.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He said softly, laying his head on mine.

"Shut up." I giggled.

"It's only true." He remarked.

I just smiled. It was all I could do. Eventually, I fell asleep. Just like that.

The next morning, we were still tangled together. He was still asleep. I listened to his steady breathing and the beating of his heart.

Eugene woke and yawned, giving me a faceful of smelly breath.

"Ew, Eugene! Your breath smells really bad." I pushed him away. "We need to find some gum or mints or something."

"Oh sorry." He chuckled.

"Anyways," I paused, glaring at him with a smile. "We should get going soon. They should be expecting us."

"Alright, but I'm hungry." Eugene crossed his arms and pouted.

"Then eat something, silly. Share a bag of chips with me.

He gladly sits up and grabs the bag. He rummaged through the bag until finds a bag of chips. "Yum!"

I go to grab a handful, but he pulls it away from me. "No, get your own."

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