Chapter 8

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(Eugene's POV)

After what Y/N said, I have a little more hope. Before, I didn have any, I was pretty sure that we would be dead a while ago.

We've been at the building for a couple weeks now and today we are going on a run. Well at least Zion, Harry, Y/N, and Sue are. Don't get me wrong, I was a little worried when Y/N volunteered, but I know that we have to get the supplies.

They were just about to leave. I grabbed Y/N's arm. "Please be careful." I whispered.

She giggled and said, "Don't worry Eugene, I'll be fine. Stop whining."

"I'm not whining." I crossed my arms.

"Now you are." She laughed.

I hugged her and then she left. I walked to the living room to wait.

(Y/N's POV)

Harry, Zion, Sue and I are going on a run for supplies. The streets were empty. It was around a little before noon, so there weren't that many zombies out.

As stopped by at the stores and grabbed things we needed, I spotted a poster that hadn't been there last time I saw it.

"Harry?" I kept my eyes on the poster.

"Hmm?" Harry hummed in response.

"Do you remember that poster being there?" I asked him.

"I don't think so. We can go look at it. After getting stuff from here." Harry suggested.


After the others grabbed some supplies, we walked to the poster that was hung on a streetlight.

"Oh my god." I said in a shocked voice as I read the poster.

"A safe zone?" Sue questioned.

"Its not that far. It's just a couple blocks away." Zion pointed out.

"Let's bring it back to the other's. We can decide if we want to go." Harry said.

"Decide? If theres a safe zone, why not just go there, we can't just stay in that old building forever." I said.

"True, but we still have to tell the others." Harry agreed.

We walked back to the building to tell the others. When we arrived back, Eugene ran up to me gave me a hug. He reminded me of a dog. Dogs would always run up to you when you get home.

"We have good news." I said to him.

"Really? What is it?" Eugene asked.

"You'll see." I smiled at him.

Harry called the others to the living room to tell them what we found. Harry announced the poster and all around the room, everyone had a shocked look on their face. Eugene looked the happiest, though. His eyes shone bright with excitement.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Zion asked.

"Well, it's a little late now, but we can go first thing tomorrow." Harry smiled.

For the rest of the day, everyone was really excited. We packed up our very few belongings and put the supplies in bags for tomorrow. Then we went to bed a little early. We have a big day tomorrow.

(Time skip to tomorrow brought to you by me)

We got up and ate a little something before leaving the old building. Like yesterday, there wasn't that many zombies out. The sun was slowly rising, making the clouds a bright pink. It was a nice day. Usually, it would be dark and cloudy, and occasionally it would be blue out.

Everyone seemed really excited. I mean, who wouldn't? If you were in a zombie apocalypse, and there was finally a place where you would be safe, wouldn't you be excited?

We were just couple blocks away now. We started hearing sounds like music and people talking. There were really tall walls with a bunch of tanks with soldiers walking around. As we got closer, some of the soldiers spotted us. They ran up to us, checking us for wounds or bites, then took us to the entrance.

The place was huge. There was a lot of people there talking and having fun. One of the soldiers said that they are closing the safe zone in a couple days, due to the amount of people. Surprisingly, there was a bunch of people. I wouldn't expect this many people had survived.

The place was more like a whole new city, but small. We were welcomed by some nice people who showed us where we were going to stay. There was an apartment complex, and the lady said that that's where we were going to stay. She asked us if we wanted to share a room with someone and Eugene tugged my arm.

"Can we share one?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Yea." I giggled.

I looked at the lady and told her that Eugene and I wanted to share a room.
The lady nodded and asked if anyone else wanted to share a room. Sue and Hailey, Scarlett and Judy, and the guys were sharing a room. The lady then showed us to our rooms.

On the beds, there were clean clothes, and food. Somehow, they managed to get electricity to flow, and the plumbing to work, so we could take showers.

We placed our things down and sat on the bed.

"I told you we'd make it." I smirked.

Eugene smiled and layed his head on my shoulder.

"And I bet we could find a piano around her somewhere." I added.

"Maybe I can play it in front of people and become famous." Eugene laughed.

"Yea, that'd great." I smiled.

We sat there for a while, feeling relieved. Then cuddled up next to each other and took a small nap.

(Eugene's POV)

Y/N and I took a nap. I was still awake, my arm wrapped around her, listening to her soft breaths, and the beating if her heart.

We slept for like an hour until there was a knock on the door. I groaned and got up to answer the door. I opened to see Harry standing there.

"Hey Eugene. How are you two doing?" Harry waved.

"Well, we took a nap until you knocked." I yawned.

"Oh, sorry. I just came to tell you that we are going to get lunch together in about thirty minutes." Harry chuckled.

"Ok thanks. We'll be there." I said.

"Ok, see you in a bit." Harty waved goodbye.

I closed the door and went back to Y/N.

"Who was it?" Y/N yawned.

"Harry. He was telling me that we are going to get lunch in about thirty minutes." I told her.

"Alright. We should get shower and get changed." She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Yea, you can go first." I said.

She got up, grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom and locked the door.

Yeah, we are together, but we aren't ready for that. I sat on the bed and waited. A few minutes later she came out combing her hair. Then I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower. The water felt good on my dry skin. We haven't showered in months because of the apocalypse.

I got out and got dressed in the new clothes. My hair didn't take long to dry because it was short. I walked out and we had about ten minutes to spare.

"What do you wanna do while we wait?" I asked while sitting on the bed next to her.

"Cuddle." She said in a sweet voice.

"Alright." I smiled.

Ok I like this chapter way better than the last one. Anyways, for those who didn't know, I like danplan and if you don't know who they are, you can suck a- go look em up. But anyway, I heard that Hosuh is dating Ivu. I don't know for how long but, woohoo!

Anyways, see ya!

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