Chapter 6

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(Y/N's POV)

I walked inside the classroom and saw Eugene tied up to a chair. He was unconscious and looked pretty beat up. Who would do this?

I ran up to Eugene and untied him. "Eugene! Wake up!" I tried shaking him awake.

At this time tears were streaming down my face. He wouldn't wake up, but I could still feel his pulse. I kept shaking him, attempting to wake him up. Then I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw, "Lawrence?"

"Y/N, you aren't supposed to be here." He smirked.

"What'd you do to him? Why would you do this?" I screamed at him.

"Oh Y/N, I knew you guys had something together. I had to do this, so you wouldn't love him. So that you could love me." He smiled and started walking closer.

I grabbed my pipe and hit him on the head, knocking him unconscious. I quickly grabbed Eugene and ran back upstairs. I put Eugene in class 1-C, then went to the other's classrooms to warn them. First I went to Judy's.

"Judy wake up, go to class 1-C. Grab all your belongings. We need to get out of here. I'm getting the others." I said quickly.

She looked at me with confusion. Then she nodded and grabbed her stuff. I then went to the other girls' room and warned them. They all looked kind of scared, but did as I said.

I went to the others boys room and went class 1-C. When we were all there, they asked questions.

"What happened to Eugene?"

"Where's Lawrence?"

"What's wrong?"

I told all that happened. "We need to get out of here before anyone else gets hurt."

"Ok, I believe you. Girls, go get food and supplies from the storage room. Ethan and Zion, keep guard. I'll try to help Eugene." Harry said grimly.

We all did as he said. When we were done, Eugene was awake.

"Eugene! You're awake." I sighed in relief.

Eugene looked at me with a worried look. "Lawrence... he tried to.... hurt me. He.. he wants.." He trembled.

"I know Eugene, we're trying to get out of here." I stroked his hair.

We all headed quietly down the stairs. Zion was in front, along with Harty, who had the map. Ethan was in the back while the rest of us were in the middle. We were almost out of the front doors, but Lawrence found us.

"Where do you think you guys are going?" He had a smile on his face, but it wasn't the warm one that always gave me relief.

He had a plank of wood in his hands and insane look in his eyes. He was outnumbered, but he still scared me.

"Lawrence, what do you want?" Harry asked.

"I want Y/N. Here, I'll make a deal. If I get Y/N," Lawrence started. "I'll let you guys, go."

"No, she doesn't have to do anything!" Eugene looked angry.

"Eugene, if I go, you guys will be safe. I don't know what he could do. It's only better if I go, all of you will be safe." I said to him softly.

"What? No! I can't lose you. Not right after I just got you." Eugene's eyes were tearing up.

"Listen to Y/N, Eugene." Lawrence grinned.

"No! Lawrence, just... just shut up!" Eugene yelled at him.

"Eugene." I put my hand on his face. "I'll be fine. I promise. I'll find a way to get out. I'll met you guys at the place we agreed on. I love you." I kissed him.

Then I turned around and walked to Lawrence. I heard Eugene screaming.

"No! Y/N, come back! I can't lose you." He yelled.

The others were trying to hold him back. When I was in front of Lawrence, looked at him dead in the eye. "You're going to let them go, right? Their going to be safe."

He laughed and said, "Maybe."

I immediately turned around. "Run!" I yelled.

I heard music from inside the school. Zombies came through the halls, they were everywhere. Lawrence grabbed my hand and dragged me somewhere. I couldn't tell if the others were safe. I kept yelling and tried to get away, but it was useless.

Lawrence dragged me into the basement. "Lawrence, why would you do this?" I was crying.

"They were all getting in the way. Now that their gone, I have you all to myself." He said.

"I don't understand." I sniffed.

"Oh Y/N, I like you. I always have. It's a shame that you didn't recognize me." He smiled.


"Maybe this will help you remember. Two years ago, I was waiting at the train station. It was raining and you gave me your umbrella. I've liked you ever since then." He explained.

I don't remember helping Lawrence. I don't even remember him at all. "Lawrence, I-." He cut me off.

"Y/N, from now on, it's only us. You and me. I'll keep you safe. I was the one that turned on the music." He had a devilish look on his face.

"Lawrence, how could you?" I couldn't stop crying.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I've been trying to get alone with you for a while, but people just kept getting in our way. Especially Eugene. So, to keep him away from you, I had to do what had to be done."

He looked happier then ever. He was willing to kill, to get me. I grabbed him by the collar, but he just kept smiling. I was angry, confused, and I wanted to get away.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone anymore." He grinned.

I felt dizzy. My legs began to wore out and I almost collapsed, but Lawrence caught me. "Don't worry, we'll be together forever."

"No!" I yelled.

I elbowed him and ran off. I couldn't think straight, I was hopeless. Thinking that my friends were dead. But I'd rather survive alone then be with him. I was close to the front doors. There were still a bunch of zombies. I found a wooden plank and broke one of the windows. I heard Lawrence running up to me. I turned around and hit him again. He looked angry.

"I did this for you, and this is how you react." He said.

I jumped out of the window. I looked towards the group of zombie and saw that my friends were trying to fight off the zombies. Their alive! But I have to save them. I yelled and screamed at the zombies to distract them. Then they were limping their ways towards me. Lawrence was just now jumping out the window. I ran the other way, hoping the zombies would get to him.

I ran towards the school fence and tried to climb it. Fortunately, I hand a running start. I ran at the wall and grabbed the top of it. Then I pulled myself up on top. Lawrence was behind me and the zombies were behind him. He trying to climb the wall, so I stood up and stomped on his fingers so he wouldn't climb up.

He yelled in agony when the zombies were right behind him. They grabbed him and ripped him apart, leaving the wall blood stained. I jumped down on the other side and ran to the group.

"Eugene!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

This is NOT the last chapter. I sorta kinda accidentally did this to early and I just realized it. But that's fine. I'll make something up. I hope you like this chapter. Uhh yea.

Anyways, see ya!

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