Chapter 3

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(Y/N's POV)

We all ran into the hallway and the air was filled with smoke. Ethan and Lawrence ran out of the room coughing. Everyone stood there. I figured if no one was going to do anything, I would. I ran into the room and looked around. There was so much smoke my eyes were watering up. I covered my face with my shirt and looked for a fire extinguisher. Then I spotted it. I quickly grabbed it and pulled the pin off. Then I pointed the nozzle towards the the fire and sprayed.

I fell backwards. Then I felt someone pull me out. I started coughing. "What were you thinking? I thought I told you to stay out of trouble!" Zion barked.

"Well, no one was doing anything! I can't just let the whole place catch fire." I retorted.

Eugene went to go to open the window. "Hey, it's all good now. See? No more fire. No need to yell."

Harry sighs and agrees. "What even started the fire anyway?" Zion asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know." Lawrence pondered bit.

"I found a lighter." Eugene said as he walked back to us.


"Yea, when I was opening the window to let some fresh air in, I saw it on the floor." He explained.

"Well, that's odd." Sue said.

"Yea... well, let's get back to the the classroom and discuss the night watches." Lawrence clapped his hands.

We walked back. He announced who was going. I wasn't picked, but I'll most likely be going tomorrow. "One question?" I slowly raised my hand.


"Uh, where am I sleeping?" I inquired.

"We don't have any extra rooms, you're gonna have share a room with someone." Eugene states.

"Yea, maybe since you know Judy, you can stay with her." Lawrence suggested.

"Ooo yes! That'd be great!" Judy did a little jump of joy.

"Great. Now everyone, go get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the morning patrols." We all filed out of the room.

Judy showed me to the classroom we were sharing. "This will be so much fun!" Judy rejoiced.

"Hey Judy?" I turned to her.

"Hmm?" She closed the door behind me.

"Eugene, didn't he go to our school. The kid that played the piano?" I asked.

"I think so, I don't really remember. Most likely though, he seems familiar, why?" She tilted her head.

"Just wondering." I replied.

"Welp, goodnight." She said as she layed down on the makeshift bed.

"Goodnight Judy." I layed down too.

The next morning Judy woke me up. I didn't sleep much because of the hard floor. I was pretty cranky this morning.

Judy and I walked into class 1-C to eat breakfast. Harry rationed it out for us and when I was going to grab a bun, Zion was too. He tried grab but I snatched it back. "Give me that."

"Someones cranky." Zion backs off.

"Someone needs to shut up." I glare at him and eat my bun. I earned a couple of giggles from around the room.

I sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't sleep well last night. I'm just tired."

"Alright, so today for the morning patrols, is there any volunteers?" Lawrence looked around the room.

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