Chapter 2

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up the next morning hearing nothing but the wind howling outside. As I sat up, I staggered to the window and peered out to see an empty town. There was not a single soul in sight. Asides from a few of those zombie creatures lurking around.

I ate a small snack and took a couple sips of water. Then I started to worry about my friends and family. Are they alright? Are they dead? Do they know about the virus? Of course they do, but are they safe? Many questions popped in my head.

I shook away the thoughts and grabbed my things. I decided to go find a better place to stay. Not many zombies were out, so I made my move. I swiftly crept along the stores, trying not to make any noise.

I walked a couple blocks and went inside the store to see if there was anything I would need. I grabbed a couple batteries and flashlights. I grabbed some food and a blanket. My backpack got pretty full, so I grabbed a small duffle bag and put a first aid kit, bandages and some medicine in it. This would last me a while. Once I was done, I walked out.

I don't know where I'm actually headed. Suppose a safe zone, or if I'm being realistic, somewhere with other survivors so I'm not alone anymore. I always hated being alone, despite the few friends I have, they were good enough for me. But, now that I'm alone, I have no one to talk to or to survive with and I'm all by myself.

(Let's say a couple days pass)

I've been in and out of abandoned building's, looking for others, but unfortunately, there is no sign. As I'm walking, I run into a large group of zombies, waiting for their next snack. I stop and slowly turn towards an ally while tightly gripping my pipe. I take one step and step on a stick. It make an unusually loud crack and I bolt to the ally without looking back.

I could hear the herd of zombies limping their way towards me. I run into a dead end. "I'm screwed." I gulped. I slowly turned around to see a stampede of zombies wobbling towards me. I look for a way out, but I can't find one. I hold my pipe tightly in front of me and wait for the zombies to attack me.

Then I heard a thunk from behind all of them, followed by a couple of yells. I found a ladder and climbed up it. A zombie tried to reach for my leg, but I kicked it's face and kept climbing. I got up to the roof and peered over to see a small group of boys fighting the zombies. I jumped over because it wasn't that high and landed on my feet. I grabbed one of their arms and started running.

"Come on! Theirs to many of them!" I yelled to them.

They all stopped fighting and started running.

"Follow me!" A guy with red hair yells to me.

I ran after him and looked over to see a zombie about to grab a guy with black hair. I swung my pipe at it and grabbed the guys' arm and kept running.

"To the gate!" A guy with white hair said pointing at a school gate.

The gate was closed and we rushed to get it open.

"A little help?" The red haired guy hissed.

I quickly helped him open the gate. When it was opened, we quickly closed it once the last guy was in. We heard the zombies bang on the gate.

"Come on, we're not safe yet." Red haired guy says.

We run through the giant school doors and run up a few floors.

"Ah, you guys are back! And who is this?" A guy with round glasses asked with a warm smile.

"Uhm, we actually don't know, we saved her from some zombies while looking for supplies." A golden blonde haired boy said.

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