Chapter 7

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(Y/N's POV)

I ran into Eugene's arms and gave him the biggest hug anyone could ever give. The hug seemed like forever until we broke apart. He checked my face and arms to see if I was hurt.

"He didn't touch you did he?" Eugene asked in a concerned voice.

"No, Eugene, I'm fine." I smiled and put my hand on his face. "I'm not hurt."

Eugene relaxed a bit and smiled.

"Alright lovebirds. Y/N, care to explain?" Zion asked.

"Right. Uhm, apparently two years ago I helped him out with something I don't even remember. And he had a huge crush on me since then. He was willing to kill just so he could be with me. Kinda creepy." I explained.

"I can't believe he would do that." Harry looks like someone ran over his dog.

"Me neither." Ethan looked at his feet.

"Well, we can't just stand here and pout. We have to get somewhere safe." Zion pointed out.

"True, let's go to that meeting place." I said.

I was walking side by side with Eugene, hand in hand. "Hey, so uh. In case you didn't know, uh..." Eugene trembled. "I like you."

"Well, duh. Silly we're holding hands and had a little smoochie and cuddled. I like you too." I giggled.

"Hey, I've never really done this before." He began to pout.

"Obviously." I mumbled.

"Hey!" Eugene crossed his arms and looked away from me.

"I'm kidding! I really do like you though." I smiled.

Eugene hesitated, but then held out his hand. I grabbed it and smiled.

(Eugene's POV)

As we walked to the meeting place, me and Y/N walked next to each other. Though we were quiet, we still made it fun as we made jokes. Until Zion came to join us. Calling us short again, making fun of us in general.

"I knew you two had a thing for each other. Two little shorties falling in love." Zion laughed.

"Shut up." I snapped.

"Ok, calm down. I'm only joking." He snickered. "Sort of."

"Hey, we're here!" Harry pointed to a medium building.

We all walked in and decided who's going to sleep where. There were three rooms, so we split it up into the girls room, the boys room, and then the storage room. Then the living room where we would all hang out.

"Instead of the storage room, we could put the supplies over there," Zion pointed to a corner. "And Eugene and Y/N could the room."

"Oh Zion. Shut up! You're so annoying!" Y/N fumed.

Zion just kept laughing. Then the girls went to their room to set up and we went to set up in the guys room.

"Zion, I noticed that you and Scarlett have been talking to each other a lot lately." I smirked. "Is there something you're hiding?"

"What? No, it's nothing like that." He said that using vague hand motions.

"Yea sure. I'll keep bugging you about it." I laughed.

"Asshole." Zion mumbled.

(Y/N's POV)

After the girls were done setting up the room we all sat in a circle and talked.

"I didn't know you liked Eugene." Scarlett wiggled her brows.

"Yea! What happened to being best friends and telling each other everything?" Judy asked, giggling a little.

"Because I knew that if I told you guys, you would all tease me." I sighed.

"That's not true!" Sue said.

I gave her the 'really' face.

"Ok, maybe it is true. But we would still like to know." Sue laughed.

"Yea." Hailey said.

"Hey I know! We should tell each other who we like." Judy smirked.

"Yea, Scarlett. I've you're have someone in mind." I grinned.

"Nuh-uh. What are you talking about?" She just waved her hands.

"Come one Scarlett. It's so obvious that you have this huge crush on-" Scarlett covered Judy's mouth.

"Zion." Judy finished.

"Is it really that obvious?" She asked

"Please, you always talk to him, your face turns red and you get really nervous when your around him." Sue pointed out.

"Speaking of crushes, who else likes someone?" I ask.

"Well," Sue started. "I do like someone."

"Oh my god, who?" Scarlett beamed.

"I like..." she mumbled.

"Uh, sorry. Couldn't hear ya." I said putting my hand behind my ear.

"Ok, fine. I like Harry." Sue finally said.

"Aww, you two would look so cute together." Judy chimed.

"Yea you guys would." Hailey said.

We all turned to Hailey. "Who do you lik?" Sue asked.

(Jesus Christ I hate this chapter sm)

"Uhhh, er....." Hailey stammered.

"Spill it already!" Judy said.

"I like Ethan!" She replied nervously.


(Time skip)

"We all went to the living room to hang out. Harry said that we wouldn't be doing patrols or nightwatches becasue the building isn't that big.

We were all talking and having fun, but when I looked at Eugene, he looked a little upset. I walked over towards him and pulled him in the hallway.

"What's wrong?" I asked, searching his eyes.

"Nothing really, it's just that, this place, it doesn't have the piano. I really enjoyed playing it with you and now we can't." His shoulders drooped and he looked at his feet.

"Oh Eugene, it's ok. Once this whole thing blows over, we can play the piano all we want." I smiled at him.

"But that's the thing, what if this thing doesn't blow over?" What if there isn't somewhere safe?" He looked really disappointed.

"Eugene, I'm sure it will blow over. It'll take time, but everything will be back to normal. We just have to keep surviving. Ok?" I held his waist as he held mine.

He smiled a little and nodded. Then I hugged him. It lasted for about a minute until we broke apart and went back to the others.

Sorry this chapter is literally trash. I hate it too. And sorry that it's short. I must realized that I messed this whole story up, but that's ok, I can fix it, maybe. I'll try to do better next chapter.

Anyways, see ya!

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