Chapter 9 (The date part 1)

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As I stood in the lobby I saw Ed moving towards me with a bouquet or red roses.As soon as he got over to me he handed me the bouquet."Wow Ed these are beautiful thank you." I cooed."There nowhere near as beautiful as you, you look absolutely flawless." Ed smirked. "You look quite good yourself sir" I giggled. "Ed grabbed hold of my hand walking with me to the taxi. "Thank you ma lady" he smirked. "I see you wore something tight " He whispered in my ear as he opened the car door with a hint of lust in his voice.I sat down as he closed the door and walked around the other side and got in next to me.

As we were sitting next to each other in the back of the taxi. Ed once again reaches for my hand and holds it stroking my fingers with his. "I just want to warn you that there is probably gonna be some paparazzi outside the restaurant but I don't want you to worry I will protect you okay." Ed smiled softly."I'm sure I will be fine Ed " I said grinning.

The car stopped suddenly.Ed opened his side of the taxi door I followed him with my eyes as he walked around the car. He slowly opened  the taxi door and held his had out "Ma Lady" Ed smirked.I took his hand as I placed my heels onto the floor. Flashing lights hitting me immediately,overwhelming was an understatement. I clenched my hand tighter as I was still holding Eds hand."Its alright I'm here we can just let them take a few pictures then enjoy our date " He whispered in my ear.

I eventually felt comfortable as Ed posed with me with his behind my back pulling me close. I smiled as the cameras snapped. Occasionally moving my pose with Ed until I was up against Ed with my hand resting on his stomach. He smiled down at me "I think I love you Jade" I shook my head whilst smiling at him "You barely know me still Ed"He bit his lip still gazing in my eyes " I don't need to know everything to know that you make me happy just by you looking at me." Ed took my hand and we began to walk through the entrance despite the paparazzi demanding more pictures.

"Reservations under Sheeran table for two" Ed spoke to the waiter as the waiter escorted us to our table.The waiter set two menus in front of us Ed ordered our drinks whilst I scanned the menu."Anything take your fancy other than me that is" Ed winked over at me. "The lasagna sounds good" I blushed ignoring his comment. "That's it then two lasagnas thanks " Ed informed the waiter.

"Lets play 21 questions whilst we wait for our food" Ed smiled.I nodded happily.

Ed: Favourite animal ?

Jade:Penguin , next

Ed : Favourite  colour ? 

Jade : Um.. Purple 

Ed : How many boyfriends have you had ?

Jade : Two 

Ed : What were their names ?

Jade : Why does it matter? 

Ed : I just wanna know about you. You don't have to tell me babe. - Eds eyes filled with concern. 

Jade : There names were Jake and Joe - Jade smiled reassuring Ed.

Ed : Who did you lose your v card too? - Ed smirked causing Jade too blush clearly taken back by this embarrassing question.

Jade : Joe - She said biting her lip.

Ed : Ever been in love ?

Jade : I don't know. I think I've been pretty damn close though.

Ed : Other than me of course who did you have the strongest feelings for.

Jade : Just some douche bag ... but he just lead me on .

Ed : I'm sorry I didn't know you don't have to tell me if you don't want me too.

Jade : No you wanted to know and I'm fine telling you cause I'm over that douche bag now anyway. Basically I liked this guy at school but he was in sixth form and I was in year 9 so I didn't really act on it. But one day we started speaking on Facebook. We flirted and it was fun so we decided to meet one day but I took a friend with me because yanno it was risky as I had only been speaking to him for a couple of weeks at that point. So we met and we had a good time of course it was awkward but somehow him just being their was enough to make me happy. I thought he liked me the way I liked him. So I invited him to my house a few weeks later whilst nobody was home. Before he got to mine I had a panic attack just something came over me telling me it was not a good idea and i shouldve listened. I was fine once he came over and it was a bit awkward at fist . Then he asked me if he could see my room and at that point I shouldve realized what he wanted from me but I was so blinded however I didn't show him my room and I completely forgot about it and we kept talking nearly everyday on Facebook. He kept mentioning snapchat and nudes and stuff until one day he straight up asked for some topless pictures. Then when I confronted him he said it was just a test to see what kind of girl I was. Obviously I didn't believe him so I stopped talking to him.

Ed: Wait he was 18 ? How old were you?

Jade : Only just turned 14. That wasn't even the worst thing to be honest as soon as he stopped talking to me he started talking to another girl who was also in my year at school whilst he had a girlfriend as well.

Ed : Sounds like a proper pedo!

Jade: Yep but that's all in the past now. I hate him.

The food then arrived distracting me from the conversation which is probably a good thing . As much as I act as if though I didn't care about that guy I really did. Not because I still liked him but because the memories we created were great and because he hurt me emotionally. He is the reason I find it hard to trust anybody because I know they will let  me down at one point.

 Ed: I still haven't asked 21 questions.

Jade : Then ask away.

Ed: Favourite Position ? - he half whispered.

Jade : Don't really have one 

Ed : We'll see about that. 

Jade: 11 more questions -

Ed : Amount of guys you've had sex with ?

Jade : Two including you 

Ed : So you never slept with this Jake guy ?

Jade: Haha No apparently he had a small penis like a baby penis so as much as I liked him I didn't really want to have sex with him . - Ed roared with laughter.

Ed : Would you like dessert ? - he said as he looked down at the two empty plates

Jade: Sure 

Ed : What would you like ? - He asked as Jade examined the menu.

Jade : Mmmm tough choice vanilla cheesecake?

Ed : Sounds good - He said as he motioned the waiter over and ordered the cheesecake.

Jade : Before you ask me anymore questions about me I need to tell you something. - Eds eyes filled with concern.

Jade: I'm going home tomorrow.......


I was gonna try and fit the whole date into one chapter but its 1:00 am .

And also sorry if it doesnt make sense I didnt re read it . 

I will update with the second part of the date after school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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