Chapter 1

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'Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday...'

Instead of the traditional wedding march tune it was the birthday song which kept playing on Jennie's mind while marching on the middle aisle of Myeongdong Cathedral.

It was her bestfriend's wedding today and she was the maid of honor, of course. Irene, her bestfriend, is getting married to her childhood friend named Suho, which also happened on the exact same day when her mother gave birth to her.

She's not mad or anything, it was okay for her. Anyway, the twenty-eight anniversary of her being brought into this world is not a big deal. In fact, she stopped celebrating her birthday from the time she turned twenty-five. It's not that she didn't want to admit that she's not getting any younger, she's just avoiding to be reminded that she was being left alone as the time passed by.

But today, while walking slowly on the red carpet she suddenly felt a strong feeling of sadness. Getting emotional that her age is near to disappear from the dates on the calendar, but it feels like that she's still missing a lot of things in life.

All of her friends are happily married while she remained single. It's not that she wanted to be like them, going into a complicated life of marriage was still not part of her plans.

But like the others, she wants to experienced how it feels like to have a partner in life, even if it wasn't for life. But the thing is, she doesn't have a boyfriend. Not that she was complaining, but deep inside she was feeling envious of them.

Their nights aren't cold and lonely, while hers are....

"What I need..." Jennie purposely stopped mid sentence putting a little bit of suspense to what she was about to say to her friends who were sharing the long table with her. " a fling."

Her friend Song Kang almost sprayed the sparkling water he just drank when he heard what she said and choke himself. Chahee's spoon slipped from her hand and fell onto the table. Her other friend Jisoo hastily covered her son's ears like she just said the most horrible thing on earth. While Yerin's mouth hung open and couldn't manage to utter a word.

Jennie secretly laughed with friends reaction. They met and became friends since high school but up til now they're still not used to her being straightforward and direct to the point way of talking.

'I wonder what will be Irene's reaction if she was here?' That was what came through her mind.

Irene is the only one who's not with them, if she was, they would be complete. Irene was busy entertaining the
guests who attended her wedding so she has no time to entertain them as of the moment.

"What came into your mind and said those things, huh?" Yerin ask after recovering from shock.

"And what made you said that you need a fling?" Disbelief could be heard in Chahee's voice while glaring at Jennie.

"Why not a boyfriend? A girlfriend? Or a husband maybe?" Jisoo suggested in a bitchy tone.

"How about you, Song Kang, what's your comment?" Instead of answering her girl friends questions, Jennie ask the only guy in their group.

"None. No comment." Song Kang shook his head.

"Good! To answer your questions." she turns to the other member of her friends. "I'm in the right state of my mind, I know what I'm saying. I need a fling because I envy you guys, you can have s*x with your partners whenever you want, while me.. zero." Once again, Jisoo blocked her son's ears that made Jennie's left eyebrow arch up. "What the-- yah, Kim Jisoo, your son is only two years, he cannot understand what we're talking about. As I was saying, I don't want a husband or boyfriend because I'm still not ready for that kind of commitment." her long explanation.

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