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It's already late that night when Jennie arrived on her condo unit in Gangnam the very same day.

After she had a talk with her friends, she finally decided that she should follow their advice for a change and confront Lisa.

The lights are all off and it's dark inside when she walks in. But still she didn't even bother to switch on the lights. She was so tired from the long ride, and all she could think of right now is to rest her back in anything she could lie on and rest her body down. Her hip muscles starting to suffer from fatigue because of her pregnancy.

Still wearing her flat shoes on she decided to stretch her body first on the huge couch and close her tired eyes for a while.

When she opened her eyes again, the lampshade beside the couch where she was lying is now on, her shoes are off already and a suit jacket which Lisa might've used in the office was now covering her upper body.

The tall woman was sitting silently on the single seater sofa, near her footing and watching her sleep.

"Lisa..." she whispered in a very low voice and didn't know how to stop the strong urge to rushed on her side, walk to her and put her arms around her. She sat up hesitantly and faced the woman.

"You're back," Lisa stated without having a single emotion written on her face.

She didn't know what to say. While on her way back to her unit she memorize a script about what she was going to tell her, but everything that was inside her mind flew out the window the moment she saw her again.

"You had me worried. Everytime I was calling you here no one was answering. You won't answer your damned cellphone. Even in the office you were not showing up. Do you know how I nervous I am?" Lisa's hard voice was raising up. She didn't get contended with just that so she stood up and went to her front so she was force to look up at her.

"I'm sorry..." Her apology almost didn't came out from her mouth. Her lips are trembling while trying to stop the tears from falling down, while on the other hand Lisa's suit jacket is about to get ripped with her tight grip on it.

"It made me even more panicked when I came back here and found out that you were gone! No one knew where you went, who you are with, if you were just fine! That was a very irresponsible thing you did," she continued.

"I'm sorry..."

"What if you got hurt while you were on the road? You didn't even have any means to contact anbody in case of emergency because you left your damn cellphone in here!"

"I'm sorry..."

"And what do you want to prove by doing that, huh? That you don't want to be with me anymore? You want to get rid of me? I'm sorry, Honey, but I won't allow it. I've waited too long for you to come to your senses, but you are just so thick headed."

"I love you," she cut her long speech of complaints.

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