Chapter 2

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Almost six months had passed when Irene got married, but still, Jennie was not able to carry out her plans. It's not that she's backing out but because she didn't have enough courage up until now to do it.

Another thing is that her friends never failed to beat her up with their lectures. Everytime they meet up, the only topic they talk about was her plan. Til now, her friends did not given up on convincing her to have a boyfriend in a normal way.

She wanted to go along with their suggestion to make them stop, but until now she haven't met that someone who can make her heart flutter, or catch her attention, at least.

But every time she's all alone inside her condo unit the push becomes higher to go through her plan. Specially when she sees or watch a couple on TV going all lovey-dovey. She wanted to experience that too.

It's not that she doesn't have suitors. Jennie is beautiful, with her pale skin, cat like eyes and small face which she inherited from her Mother. A lot of girls back in her school days were envious of her features since she never went under the knife (plastic surgery). And her long straight jet black hair that reach her waist was so soft and smooth.

A week ago she had her hair cut short up to her shoulder because she got bored with the conservative hairstyle she has. But that didn't lessen her natural and elegant beauty. Her new hairdo made her slim body more prominent which she takes care of by working out.

Jennie was one delightful package that a lot wanted to own and posses.

It's just that she was a snob. That maybe because she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and that she was the youngest and only girl in their family, she has two older brothers who spoiled her rotten, giving everything that she wants since she was the only princess in the family. And to top it all, she was a licensed architect and works as a junior partner from one of the architectural firm in Yeouido. That was why she was hard to reach, as what others say.

Even with a lot of men who wanted to court her they couldn't go near Jennie with her status in life.

 'A blessing or a curse?' she mentally ask herself that while driving her car going to a dinner engagement.

The Hannam village where her boss will celebrate his birthday is kinda far. The whole office staffs were invited, and even told them that if they want they could bring some of their friends or husband and wife since it was a family gathering, but as usual she's all alone.

The party had already started when she arrived at around eight in the evening. Her boss, Mr. Nickhun Horvejkul, greeted her warmly, he was with his wife greeting the arriving guest.

"Sajangnim~," she greeted with a smile to the birthday celebrant. "Happy birthday!" she said then gave him a kiss on the cheek. She's not shy to show affection towards the older man even with his wife was facing them since Jennie visits the elegant mansion of the Horvejkul's more often. They treat her like one of their own child because after she graduated from college she had been working in their firm.

"Jennie-yah, are you alone?" Mrs. Victoria Horvejkul ask her warmly before looking behind her.

"Neh. Just like other times." she answered then gave the old lady a kiss on the cheek too.

"Aigoo! I'd be very happy if you would introduce someone to us as your boyfriend." Mr. Horvejkul joked.

"Ah yeh, I would work more harder on finding myself a boyfriend." she act like making a promise. "Looks like you have a lot of guests, Sajangnim. I can have a lot of propects here."

"Hmm... Later I will introduce someone to you. Check her out well, alright?" Mrs. Horvejkul instructed  before shooing her to mingle with the other guests.

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