Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to Nami48


"Are you out of your mind?" Jennie ask in disbelief.

"Quite the contrary, Honey. I'm perfectly sane."

"No way. I never even dreamed of getting married, specially to you. Now if you don't mind, you can go out. I've things to do." she answered with determination then turns her back on Lisa.

"And what do you want to do with the baby you're carrying? Have it aborted?" Lisa went to her angrily and whirled her around to face her. "Are you going to kill my baby, Jennie?"

"Of course not! It never even crossed my mind!" she quickly denied. "But I won't marry you just because I'm pregnant."

"That is where you are wrong. I can't just let my child grew up without a complete family." She said firmly.

"There are other kids out there who grew up with a single parent, and yet they're still happy. So I don't think--"

"But not my son!" Lisa almost roared her voice like a thunder. "I won't allow him to be a bastard like me!"

"Lisa ssi--" That was when Jennie got scared from her. Lisa's eyes were almost smoldering from anger, and she felt her arm almost broke with her tight grip.

"Listen to me, Jennie Kim . I know how hard it is to grow up without a father, without a complete family, and I won't let that happen to my baby. I don't care about what you feel or what you want, but you might as well get used to the idea that you and I are getting married. Is that clear?" She even shook her lightly before letting her go.

Lisa didn't wait for Jennie to answer as the latter turned silent. She walk to the door, and threw her a meaningful look and went out of the office with a grim on her face.

That when she was like recovered from it that she covered her mouth using her palm. Weakly, she sat down onto the couch and rest her back on it dumbfounded.

'Oh, my God! What should I do?' she ask confused while staring at the ceiling.

She never even thought of the possibility that this would happen. It's not included in her plans, her sudden appearance, most importantly her demand in marriage.

She was excited to become a mommy, to care and become responsible for her baby, but not being a wife.

Like she was so exhausted Jennie shuts her eyes close and force herself to relax. She knew that it will be bad for her baby if she get stressed.

In that state is when Lisa who was still sporting a grim look on her face when she saw Jennie as she went back inside the office again.

But her expression quickly turns and got worried when she saw her pale face. Lisa quickly went to couch and kneeled infront of her.

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