Chapter 8

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Jennie slurred from her sleep the next day when she felt warm lips sucking her shoulder. Still with her eyes closed she tried to avoid it, pulled the blankets up and covered herself with it, but the thick fabric slide down until she felt that warm lips kissing the tip of her brea$t now. She thought that it was just a dream, that she was with Lisa and she was being affectionate towards her so with a slight smile she reached for the owner of those lips and pulled her up to her lips that had been waiting to be claimed by her. Thinking that it was all still a dream she responded to the kiss while moaning in pleasure as her hands cupping and squeezing both of her full brea$ts. She cried out in pleasure when Lisa pinched her hard pebbled tip before her mouth went down and sucked on it in spite of her nightgown.

"Lisa..." she moaned still with her eyes closed.

Lisa stopped what she was doing and with a smirk on her face she looked at her pleasured sleeping face.

"Yes, Love?"  she ask in a playful manner.

"Lisa-ssi!" That's when Jennie realized that everything is real when she heard her voice. Lisa is really there, she was on her bed lying beside her while her hand was still cupping her brea$t and continued playing with it. "Ms. Lisa Manoban! Stop it!" with her face burning red she pushed her.

"Aw, Baby, do I have to? We both like it." She still didn't stop on what she was doing.

"No!" She quickly stood up from her bed, she used to cover her whole body with the blanket Lisa tossed away from her awhile ago and went far away from the bed, away from her.

Lalisa Manoban was still smirking and lied down her bed properly, she rest her head on both of her arms and stared at her.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you already went home last night? How did you get in? Why did you came back?" she ask series of questions.

But instead of answering one of her questions she went down from her bed and tried to straighten the crease on her gray t-shirt but stopped when she realized that she couldn't even managed to reduce the creases using her hands.

Jennie on the other side was starting to feel irritated with her behavior. She was really becoming hot headed every time Lisa prolonged her answer to her questions.

"Good morning to you, too, Honey." Finally, she spoke.

"Why are you here?"

"Nothing, I was just doing some experiment."

Her forehead creases. "Experiment?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to know what is the best way to remove morning sickness -- dry crackers or my lovemaking. And you know what? My theory is right. My kisses are better." She said conceitedly.

Jennie threw a pillow towards the grinning woman annoyingly. Then still with the blanket wrapped around her she went inside the bathroom.

But Lisa was not yet done annoying her.

Thankfully, she haven't removed her silk nightie yet because the bathroom's door, which she forgot to locked, suddenly open with Lisa's head peeping in. She maliciously roamed her eyes along her sexy body that the thin nightwear she had on couldn't hide. Lisa only closed the door when she was about to smack her face, however her loud and very annoying laugh echoed from her bedroom to the bathroom she was in.

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