Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Jubin02


For the very first time, Jennie arrived at the office late the next day. She was so lazy to get up from her bed resulting to her being late. She was even tempted to call the office and notify them that she can't go in for today, but she has an scheduled meeting with a client at ten so she forced herself up and took a bath. Before dressing up she looked at her body in the full length mirror longer than usual, imagining how she would look like when her stomach grew big.

She chose to wear an off white linen jacket and black spaghetti top which she tucked in her mid waisted jeans and velvet loafers. Put a light make up on and wore a necklace paired with her earings that her parents gave her last Christmas.

While walking on the hallway to her office, Jennie greeted the people she passed by along her way. Every one wears a puzzled look on their faces with her good mood today which was the exact opposite of her mood the past few days where they couldn't even talked to her.

They even wonder when instead of her usual cup of coffee she was holding a glass of warm milk.

"You know what, baby?" Jennie rubbed her still flat stomach with a smile on her face. "I really hate milk. But for you, I'll drink all the milk in the world. That's how much I love you."

"And when do you plan to tell me that we're going to have a baby soon?"

Jennie felt her heart stopped beating when someone spoke from behind. Her world spin around, heard a deafening roaring sound then everything turns black...

"Jennie-yah!" Lisa quickly had her arms around the unconcious woman preventing her from falling. "Dad!"

Everyone got surprised by a woman's scream. A while later Mr. Nickhun Horvejkul came rushing in, his face full of anxiety.

"What happened?" Mr. Horvejkul ask Lisa who was carrying Jennie and looking lost, didn't know what to do.

"She fainted." She answered with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Lay her down on the couch." the older man pointed the couch placed on the corner of the office. "Will somebody get a glass of water? The rest of you, get back to work. You're crowding the place." he scolded the employees who were crowding the place. "Jennie, what happened." he lightly shook Jennie's shoulder who is now starting to gain consciousness.

"Lisa." she whispered when she saw her worried face.

"You scared me, Love." She help her sit up then handed her a glass of water. "Here, drink this."

"Jennie-yah, what happen to you? Why did you suddenly fell unconcious?" Mr. Horvejkul ask.

"I'm sorry. I got surprised because Lisa-ssi suddenly talk behind me." she apologize shyly.

"I thought you'll be happy when you meet my daughter, but you fainted instead! You really had it in you, Lalisa." the old man stated.

"Daughter?" That word almost didn't made out of the confuse woman's mouth. "He's... your father?" she turns to Lisa.

"You didn't know?" Mr. Horvejkul ask curiously.

"But how...? Didn't you introduce yourself as Lisa Manoban to me? How did you two became father and daughter?" she ask the woman in confusion.

"Because I was his bastard." Lisa answered straightforward.

"Lalisa!" Mr. Horvejkul scolded his daughter then turns to the confused woman. "I got his mom pregnant when I was still in college." the old man took the liberty to explain. "I just learned of her existence when her mother died ten years ago. And although we understand each other, and my family accepted her, Lisa still insisted on using her mother's surname instead of mine."

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