Chapter 6

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While driving to their destination Lisa's mind was also running. She was thinking of ways on how to make Jennie agree on what she wanted to happen, that is, for them to get married as soon as possible.

Actually she didn't tell Jennie about the real reason why she wanted to marry her. Yes she didn't want her baby to grow up as a bastard, but that was just a secondary reason. The real reason is that she didn't want to be away from her starting now.

After two months of fighting her own feelings she finally gave up. In that two months she was convincing herself that Jennie was like the other woman she dated and bedded before, but not anymore.

There was no time that Jennie didn't came into her mind. She forced herself to forget her by dating other women, but Jennie was one of a kind, so different from them. Sometimes she couldn't help but to compare the women she was dating to her. Not as pretty as Jennie, not as sexy as Jennie, not as witty as Jennie, not as outspoken as Jennie...

That's why she came back. She let her half brother Chansung handle their company branch in Jeju and also their citrus farm and she decided to come back to Seoul and help their father here. It was like hitting two birds with one stone, as they say. She could help her father, she could also be near her woman.

The truth is, until now she was still undecided with her true feelings with Jennie. She couldn't say that she was in love with her because she haven't experience falling in love, she didn't know if it was really love that she was feeling right now. But whatever it is, she decided to know what it was and see where it could take them.

And now that she learned that the passionate night they shared together resulted into getting her pregnant, Lisa's determination grew stronger to not let this woman get away from her anymore. Yes Jennie didn't want to marry her for now, but she made a promised to herself that they would get married before she gave birth to their baby. She was ready to do everything just to make Jennie agree to what she wanted to happen.

Her thoughts got cut off when they've reached the Samsung Medical Center. Even inside the examination room she didn't leave Jennie's side, not minding the deep frown on her beautiful face from being so annoyed.

"Morning sickness is just normal," explained Dr. Maeng. "Actually, some even experience nausea throughout the day."

"So you're saying that there's nothing to worry about?" Lisa ask again.

"Yes. Eating soda crackers will help to get rid of your nausea in an instant. And proper diet, of course. Avoid caffeine, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and also don't forget to take your vitamins." the doctor's long advice.

"Excuse me, Doc," Jennie butted in. "could you please tell her that it is bad to annoy a pregnant woman most of the time." Like a little kid looking for an ally.

Dr. Maeng smiled. The truth is, she had been wanting to laugh with this two woman infront of her. The two had been fighting like a child since the start of the consultation. Both likes the opposite. Always not meeting the expectation of one another.

"Ms. Lisa Manoban, anger causes stress, and we don't want that to happen to your... to Jennie-ssi." Dr. Maeng got confused for a while on how to address the pregnant woman. The taller woman didn't explain if she was related to the small woman she was with.

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