Chapter 10

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"Do you have a problem you want to tell me, Sweetie?" Mrs. Kim ask her daughter worriedly. One week had passed since the sudden arrival of Jennie in their home, but until now they can't talk to her properly. Sometimes she would just locked herself up inside her room or sitting on a swing in their garden while staring into nothingness. She's not even eating properly whenever they ask her to eat she's always using the reason that she doesn't have an appetite she would only eat properly when they would give her milk ice cream that seems to be her favorite lately.

The worn out and oversized clothes that her daughter always wear didn't escape the sharp eyes of the kind older woman. Even being the sleepy head and lazy manner that was so not the Jennie she knew before. And also the unexpected visit of a woman to their home a day before which Jennie didn't knew about.

"Omma..." Jennie held both of her mother's hand, pulled them up and carress her face with them. She had been silent for quiet a while now, but she knew that she needed to tell them the truth. "I have something to tell you."

"You're pregnant?."

"What--" she was surprised by her Mother's words. 'How did she know?'

"Do you want to tell me the whole story?" the older woman ask in a calm tone before taking a sit beside her.

Tears started to pooled in the corner of her eyes. She was already expecting her parents to understand her situation, but not like this that her mother was actually giving her the option to tell them everything if she wanted to.

"I love you, Omma..." Crying like a little child, she put her arms around her mother, who hugged her and pat her back.

Later on, she started to tell her mother about it. She told her everything, from the start til the end.

"I think you're being silly," the older woman commented when she finished telling the whole story. "She wants to marry you and you didn't want to. But you can't seem to resist her charms. Aigoo!"

"What if she doesn't really love me? How can I make sure that our marriage will be like yours that is still strong even after forty years, until now I'm not even sure if she really likes me or she's just interested with my baby?"

"The mere fact that she managed to live with you for the past two months and still stay sane is proof enough. It's not like I'm criticizing you or something, but you are so difficult to deal with among your two siblings, and you try the patience of even a saint!"

"Omma, I'm serious."

"I am serious too, Jennie Kim. Go back to the woman and marry her. All the relationship has no guarantee, not even ours. We might separate eventually--"

"No way! You and Papa loves each other too much." she protest.

"--but we don't know that while it's not yet happening. And God only knows what's in store for us in the future. That's why I want you to follow your heart. Take the risk, it might be worth it."

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