Chapter 7

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Jennie didn't went back to her work after she and Lisa had their lunch on an Italian restaurant. She couldn't even protest when Lisa drove her back home, mainly because she refused to listen to any of her arguments. She was very adamant to make her rest today and just continue her work tomorrow.

To make sure that she will take a rest for real Lisa didn't leave her alone until she changed into her cotton shorts and oversized top before lying down on her bed to sleep.

At first she was so against with Lisa being dominant, but when she lie her body on the soft mattress of her bed she realized that she's right. In less than five minutes after she lay down, she fell into deep slumber.

Jennie only stirred in her sleep when she felt a soft touch of a warm palm in her cheek. Feeling disoriented, she opens her eyes, but got completely awake when she saw the smiling face of Lisa.

She was sitting on the corner of her bed while watching her sleep.

"What time is it? How long was I sleeping?" she ask while rubbing her eyes, then looked at the digital alarm clock on her nightstand table. "It's already eight in the evening?"

"Yup!" Lisa said while smirking. "You've been sleeping for quite a long while."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jennie toss the duvet and quickly got up from her bed, but she stop her by holding both of her shoulders.

"Relax, what's the hurry? Are you hungry? I cooked dinner."

"I have to call Irene." Jennie mumbled like she didn't heard anything. "We plan on looking for baby's stuffs today. She'll be mad at me." While talking she was starting to dial on her cellphone, which immediately stopped when her mind registered what she said. "You cooked dinner?"

"Yup. Dak Gomtang (Korean Chicken Soup) and Pan fried mackerel." She boastfully said. "Do you want to eat? Who's Irene?"

"My bestfriend. Did you really cooked?" she asked still in the state of disbelief.

"I've been cooking for myself for quite sometime now. I'm not used to have someone cooking for me, except for my mother. Don't worry, I didn't put love potion in it." She said jokingly before going towards the door. "You'd better make that phone call, I'll set the table."

Still stunned Jennie just watched her walking away. She still couldn't believe that she prepared dinner for her. It was embarrassing for her part to admit, but she's touch with her gesture. This was the first time that someone who is not a member of her family nor a friend took care of her.

"Mmm.... Neomu mashisseo!" she commented while slurping the soup of dak gomtang. After talking to Irene on her phone she went to the kitchen.

Lisa was smiling widely while scooping her some more rice and put the ricebowl back on the table infront of her. She even shredded the fish for her, removing it's bone and watched her when she took her first bite.

"Do you know that the Mackerel is my favorite?" she said while munching on the food inside her mouth. "Why aren't you eating?" She noticed that she was just watching her eat while smiling.

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