Chapter 3

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Jennie was staring at the plan she was working for more than fifteen minutes, but still she couldn't concentrate and continue with her work. She was assigned to design a retreat house in Yangpyeong-gun and normally she was excited to do designs which involved Mother Nature like this one, but not today.

Why? It was just like the other times, that one night of passion she had with Lisa kept coming back on her mind.

It was a very passionate night, all right.

Lisa haven't even pinned the door closed properly but she started kissing her hotly. All the control she had been trying to hold earlier vanished into thin air. She became the aggressor. Jennie was like a puppet that follows her. She didn't know how to match the sensation which she made her feel. The good thing is she was very vocal with the things she wanted her to do, as if she was an obedient student, and Lisa was her teacher.

Lisa made her realize how sensuous she was, and how passionate she could be. Both pleasure each other like they were running out of time. Jennie couldn't count how many times they have reached the zenith.

But she was certain of one thing. She was right.

Regrets are felt when it's already late.

Because her guilt was like a dam that flooded her entire being when finally, she wasn't feeling the heat anymore and came back to her senses. She stayed awake while Lisa was sleeping soundly beside her while her arms are wrapped around Jennie like vines.

What is she going to think about her when she wakes up? That she was an easy lay? That she does one night stand to just anyone?

After making sure that Lisa was really asleep she stood up from the bed and walked towards her clothes slowly as she was limping and got dressed extra carefully as she didn't want to disturbed the sleeping woman. She didn't even took a shower, afraid that she might wake her up when she hear the running water from the shower on the bathroom. Using her phone she called for a taxi, she went home alone. She made sure that she didn't leave anything in Lisa's place since she didn't have any plans on meeting her again.

'Just a simple one night fling.'

But now, after two months she still couldn't manage to bring herself to forget.

Her period has been delayed for two months already. She's not feeling anything strange in her body yet, but she was worried. She has a feeling that the passionate night she had with Lisa have a result.

Sadly, she took a deep sighed before she stood up from her table and stopped acting like she was so absorbed in her work since she couldn't even bring herself to concentrate anyway. She cleaned her table and kept her things before taking her bag and phone then went out of the office.

She would go home and look for an answer instead of thinking and having suspicions.

Jennie told the receptionist that she will take a half day today, then left the place in haste.

She went straight to the nearest drug store, and though she was shy she told the pharmacist what she needed.

When she reached her unit, she quickly went inside the bathroom with the thing she just bought. Before taking the test she read the instructions written on the box carefully and repeat it many times, and how will she know the result.

One line means negative. Two lines, positive.

Jennie almost stopped breathing while staring at the test kit. The instruction says she should wait for a few minutes, but she couldn't stay put so she just hold it and stared at it. Moments later, one line became visible.

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