Sleep Deprived & Different Feeling ?! ♥️

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(Read The Authors Note at the end) 💗

-Image a huge room filled with emptiness 💔
In The middle of the room Roams a girl very beautiful but very simple none other then our beautiful Shehnaaz Malhotra lost in chains of thoughts...💭 Thoughts that have been haunting her since a few days...🥺
Her tears threaten to fall down in a nick of a second As her chain of thoughts breaks as soon as a young girl slightly older then her enters with beautiful bulky Eyes 👀 Fair Skin,With a messy bun & a hint of sadness dawn towards her face She is none other then Mahi Shehnaaz's Cousin but considered as a sister since they both have been Best Friends  from childhood they both ended up living at Shehnaaz's parents house after leaving Punjab for there education in London a few years ago ! 💛
Mahi :Shehnaaz let's go eat I know your not in the mood but plss don't take your anger & pain out on your Food Dadi has been calling you from a bit.
Shehnaaz: Dii I'll be down in a few minutes.
Soon Shehnaaz enters Into the sitting room & sits on the dinning table where Mahi & A old but stunning lady in her early 60's is seated with a smile on her face None other then there Dadi :)
Dadi :Shehnaaz & Mahi Today is your last day of holiday you both will be starting your Final year of college I hope you both are exited ! <3 Please you both ignore all the tension from today & focus on yourself & your studies. 💛 The behaviour your parents have been showing us is unacceptably disturbing but that doesn't mean you's cry yourself to sleep :(
I want you guys to start Fresh tomorrow make the most of this year & keep the past behind future ahead & present by your side she genuinely smiles at the girls ! ♥️

Shehnaaz's POV
Its so sweet for Dadi to explain all this to us with such a smile she is truely a Angel in disguise of a Lady her one smile brings my mood back.😌 But I will surely not let all my family problems & insecurities ruin my year that's worth treasuring especially not for Mahi.💕

Mahi's POV
Aww My BestFriend  Sister(💗Shehnaaz💗) is smiling after ages surely a good person who helps others out but is broken within herself may god bless her pls God Bring Happiness In Her Life !🥺💗

While A Boy with perfect body & Messy hair 😍 is Spotted as Sun Rays disturb he's sleep he turns in annoyance. After partying all holiday long he hasn't realised when The Last Year of college Had Knocked he's Door Of Life. He Gets Ready & Wears A plain white T-shirt & Light blue ripped Jeans looking As good as always That's none other then our sidharth Shukla 💗 !
As he walks out of he's Room he bumps into a familiar face A boy With Black T-shirt & black Ripped Jeans On That none other then Jay . Jay is  Sidharth's   Bestfriend & Family friend.
Jay:Watch where you walking  seems like you haven't came outta holiday zone yet !! 😂
Sidharth:seems So bro by the ways Good Morning.💙
Jay:Good Morning Sidharth ! 💙
As it was the first day for Shehnaaz & Mahi In the College of London because they had gone to college closer by home last year Nervousness & Excitement were the only feelings They felt at the particular moment ! 💭❣️
Shehnaaz Had Gotten Ready in a white off shoulder Dress & Mahi has gotten ready in A Black Off Shoulder Dress both were exactly similar just the colour was different.
Shehnaaz & Mahi Reached College after getting a Uber they stood at the entrance & admired the school 🏫❣️ Soon they entered.
M:I'm pretty sure we're gonna get lost in this extra big but astonishing College 😍
S:Obviously were gonna get lost there's so many classes & students ?! 👀
Shehnaaz's POV
As they were admiring the school Shehnaaz bumps into a girl with Pretty Long blondish black hair with black jeans and a lime green crop top on she smiles at us :)) & I apologise...
End of POV
S:Hey I'm really sorry :)
Girl:Heyy it's totally fine are you new to the school ? She replies politely 💕
S:Yes,Me & My bestfriend just joined this college today 💕
G:My name is shefali bagga  ❤️
S:My Name is Shehnaaz & This is My Best friend Mahi !💗
M:Hey :)) 💗
SBtoo join us I'm pretty sure we will have some classes together.
Shehnaaz & Mahi in union say yess sure ! x
As The Dayy Goes On...
The Day went on pretty great for both Mahi & Shehnaaz they enjoyed a lot & made new friends Especially Shefali !❣️
As it was lunch time they all gathered up at the canteen Shefali was waiting for her Best Friend Vikas Gupta who she had talked about the whole day ! 🤍
V:Shefali hurry up & give me a hug I missed you so much :( Shehnaaz & Mahi were a bit lost bcos they didn't know vikas so vikas introduced himself ! 💛
& they all got along well. 🙂
Mahi went to throw her rubbish away when she saw Jau She found him attractive at first Sight he also glanced towards her & they shared a quick smile with each other !💘
As Sidharth was making he's way towards Vikas  & Shefali when he's eyes 👀 stopped at particular person.

Sidharth's POV
I was making my way towards Vikas When my eyes stopped at this girl 🥺💗  she looked very Cute her beauty was enchanting I literally couldn't stop adoring her She Looked at Me & The atmosphere around us changed She looked into my eyes all her eyes showed was innocence & Sadness !♥️
End Of POV

Shehnaaz's POV
I Looked up at the guy that was approaching our table The moment I looked at him I saw him staring at me he had a beautiful smile on he's face with a perfect shaped Jaw line & We have an EyeLock as if he was trying to read my emotions through my eyes Suddenly I felt as if the wind around us changed it was...A Different Feeling...♥️

So that was the first chapter I hope you guys like it,it's only the first chapter but It will get more interesting ! 💗
Do comment down :))
& also I'm trying to not add to much detail but not too less ! 💗
Hope You's have a good day !
&& mind the mistakes ! 💗

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