Dinner With Shehnaaz's Mum :)) 💖

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(Read The Authors Note at the) 💗

Sidharth reaches Shehnaaz's house & remembers her explaining her house route he still was confused with which room could be hers With a lot of difficulty he climbed the pipe to the nearest room with wide open windows upstairs :))
He glanced around the room & realised Yeahh maybe this one isn't her room the room was Filled with multi colours & Colour blasts while he remembers her preference as simple & sweet with colour contrasting white ! 💗
He could hear somebody approaching the room he silently went into the room Jstt next too the one he had entered. The room seem seemed familiar & on a instant note he knew it was her room 💗A nice floral while & blue bed duvet & tuns of fairy lights Sidharth seemed like a possessed Person smiling at everything related to shehnaaz there was picture of shehnaaz & Vikas that irked him he put he's palm over Vikas's picture & smiled ! <3
Mahi:Shehnaaz Your still not ready get dressed hurry up.
Shehnaaz:Yess oii
Shehnaaz ran into her room to gather her clothes she chose a sweet simple blue Knee length long sleeved floral dress & was in a rush when she felt a tug on her arm she closed her eyes at this sudden gesture She slowly opened her eyes & her eyes went wide.
Shehnaaz:Sidharthh Tum Yaha ?😶
Sidharth:Well Yeahh you can call Priyank & not me plus I told you on the phone :))
Shehnaaz:You can't be here fr you need to leave I'm going to get dressed & I want you to get going Rn.
Sidharth:But I Jstt came :((
Shehnaaz left from there with a fear stricken face scared to get Sidharth caught ! 💀
She came back & saw Sidharth was still in her room she felt so irritated at that moment.
She was about to say something when she saw the frame which had A picture of Vikas & shehnaaz was empty the picture was not there anymore before she could raise any questions...
Shehnaaz's Mum:Priyank is waiting hurry up you's 2
Shehnaaz:Your unbelievable plss leave !
Shehnaaz:Fine your so annoying
Sidharth:Learnt it from Yhuu :))
Shehnaaz & Mahi introduced Priyank to there mum while giving Priyank a welcoming hug he seem to blend in with the Family & it's aura.
Shehnaaz's Mum:Priyank Yk Shehnaaz always talks about you Priyank Even Mahi :))
I'm glad they both have you in there lives.
Priyank:Actually Auntyy It's them too who are special too me :))
Shehnaaz's Mum:Hayee Watta Cutie pie ! 🧡
All this time Sidharth had heard everything.

Sidharth's POV
First she doesn't invite me & then I find out she talks about Priyank that too infront of her mum all the time this is too much
End of POV

Shehnaaz goes & Checks on sidharth. As soon as she enters she's pulled by sidharth.
Sidharth:Wtf you talk about Priyank that too all the time haven't even mentioned about me ?
Sometimes I feel like your actually not interested :(
& slammes shehnaaz onto the wall which cause her bandaged arm to get more Hurt.
Shehnaaz:Sidharthh it hurts
Sidharth:What happened to your arm
Shehnaaz:Accidentally got burnt
Sidharth:Honestly you don't take care of yourself & its my fault your hurt more Darling show me he said He started getting very concerned about the wound
Shehnaaz:It's okay. Who knew that the famous immature playboy would be so mature for he's bestfrr she spoke with proudness visible in her voice. 😌🥰
Sidharth:You changed me ! & you really think I'm a playboy like fr no emotions ?
Shehnaaz:Nono Sidharth I didn't mean that :(
Sidharth:Hmm Okayy :(
Too cheer up he's mood she said...
Shehnaaz:You can meet my mum but you have to come from the front door :)
Sidharth:Yeahh Okayy even Jay has met your mum !
Shehnaaz then leaves & sits beside Priyank & announces...
Shehnaaz:I invited Sidharth as well
Shehnaaz's Mum gleamed in happiness she had always heard about this boy who from immature only becomes mature when it comes to this jhalii !!
There's a sudden knock on the door
Shehnaaz:Probably him ❤️
Sidharth enters wearing A nice adidas hoodie & black jeans looking over impressive ! 🥴
Sidharth:Hii Auntyy
Sidharth engulfed Shehnaaz's Mum in a huge hug
Shehnaaz's Mum:Your more good looking then I thought & very sweet she said genuinely! 🥰
They all kept chatting with Sidharth ignored shehnaaz the entire time Shehnaaz found this utterly annoying so she thought of something that will definitely trigger Sidharth.
Shehnaaz:Priyank I wanted to show you around the house You keen ?
Priyank Jstt smiled & followed behind shehnaaz
She could see Sidharth giving them a glare ! 🥴
While the whole time Sidharth & Mumma enjoyed talking to each other like they knew each other since ages ! <3
Shehnaaz came back & adored the bond Sidharth & her mum shared Her mum was always the one she loved the most seeing them get along a wide smile adorned Her face. 💖(Honestly my Bestfrr & Mum would get along & honestly it's pure bliss when the people you appreciate the most get along !) 🥺💖
They all were going to have dinner when Shehnaaz Took the seat next to Priyank & Mahi. Sidharth sat opposite to shehnaaz Glaring at the duo !🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
Shehnaaz's Mum could see the tension brewing between them so then she said what's next watch a movie ?🥴
All:Yeahh that's a good idea
After dinner they sat in the sitting room finding a Netflix movie !! ❤️

I know I haven't been updating since ages I'm really very sorry for that :((
But plss comment down :)) ❤️
There's gonna be a double update today :)

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