Pinky Promise ! 💗

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(Read The Authors Note at the end) 💗

Unfortunately Sidharth & Shehnaaz had to there skip ice cream plans After shehnaaz got a call from her mum informing her to come early today so Sidharth had dropped her off :) Still Shehnaaz being the adamant one says.
Shehnaaz:Pinkyy Promise you'll get me ice cream tomorrow ?🥺💗
Sidharth:Okayy I will now Go your mums waiting.
Shehnaaz:Pinky promise ?! 💗🥺
Sidharth:Pinky Promise ! 🥺❤️
It Was break time & Sidharth realised he had promised her ice cream 🍦 & She gets all emotional if somebody breaks her pinky promise !! 💗
Sidharth:Let's get ice cream !
Shehnaaz:Aww Thankyhuu Sidharth ! 🥺💗
While driving...
Sidharth:Ha babyy ?
Shehnaaz:Whats my favourite emoji ?
After a pause The pink one 💗
Shehnaaz:Aww my bebuu knows me so well ! 🥺
She was eating ice cream while gleaming in joy this is very yummy !!
She forwarded to him & he took a bite.
Sidharth:Let's go while you can eat in this in the car ?
Shehnaaz:Okayy with Appreciating baby eyes ! 👀
While Sidharth was driving Shehnaaz quickly pecked Sidharth's Cheek not realising how effective this got for Sidharth.❤️🥺
Jstt To tease Sidharth Shehnaaz says Sidharth why do you get so extra about Priyank are you jealous that he's somebody who can beat you ?🧡
Sidharth stopped the car,turned to look at her intensely. He leaned in closer & said I'm jealous bcos I don't want you to replace me he said as she shuts her eyes in anticipation.
Shehnaaz feels Sidharth's breath fanning over her face she leans in & Sidharth closes he's eyes there lips were about to meet when Shehnaaz's phone rang she saw the ID it was shefali she quickly answered the call. 💕
Shehnaaz:Shefali ?
Shefali:You Alright ?
Shehnaaz:Ha okay why'd you call ?
Shefali:Were waiting by the tuck shop.
They cut the call :)
Shehnaaz realised what was gonna happen she turns a light of red & looks at Sidharth who's smiling at her without moving he's gaze from her blushing face.☺️
Shehnaaz shyly Says Sidharth See you later bye.
The whole day went by Shehnaaz Trying the topic by Sidharth & kept stealing glances at him every time she looked at he's face she blushes at the scenario with Sidharth that she didn't wanna forget ! 🥺❤️
At Shehnaaz's House
Shehnaaz was sitting down on the couch while her mum was cooking Food.Her dad was At work & Dadi was at her Aunties & Mahi was Having a shower ! <3
Shehnaaz's Mum:Hows Sidharth ?she asked in a teasing voice.
Shehnaaz trusted her mum Enough to tell her about how Sidharth was with her,her Bestfrr ! 🥺💗
Mumma:Jstt Asking Beta
Shehnaaz:He's Okayy
Mumma:You know I really like Sidharth.
Shehnaaz:okay ?
Mumma:By the way the way you've explained about him surely seems like he really likes you.
Shehnaaz:But shefali likes him
Mumma:Aww Cute
Shehnaaz:But he doesn't like her ☹️
Mumma:Cos he likes jangli
Shehnaaz:Janglii ?
Mumma:You !! 💗
Shehnaaz:Hmm shefali said that but he's Jstt a Bestfrr :))
Shehnaaz's mum really liked Sidharth & the way he cared about Shehnaaz at times she thought they were dating but Shehnaaz always managed the teasing to go pass ! <3
That night Shehnaaz had gotten a call from shefali
& that left her in thoughts.
Next dayy went by acting strangely with Sidharth first Sidharth had thought it was due to shyness Cos of the scenario from yesterday but then he started to feel as if it was more.
Sidharth:Shehnaaz what's wrong ?
Shehnaaz: about yesterday while an automatic smile adorned on Sidharth's face. I'm glad nothing happened it would be meaningless Sidharth's expression changed into a tensed one.
Sidharth:What ?
Shehnaaz:I was really bothered about something & I felt like should tell you Sidharth.
Sidharth:Anything Jstt tell me :)
Shehnaaz:I think my feelings Priyank are back & I think he likes me back should I tell him ?
Sidharth:Haa Baby I mean shehnaaz?
& that's when shehnaaz knew maybe jst maybe from now things will take a very serious turn.
Shehnaaz:He's really the best.
After school Shehnaaz & Priyank was waiting for Mahi at the cafe close to there school when Sidharth & Jasmin entered.
Shehnaaz saw them & felt a little insecure.☹️
Jasmin saw Shehnaaz and had dragged sidharth to there table !!
Jasmin:Shehnaaz you here ?
Shehnaaz:Were waiting for Mahi
Jasmin:Sidharth let's sit with them.
Shehnaaz I'm glad your spending time with Priyank at least now us Girls have our Sidharth back Shehnaaz knew how Sidharth had a playboy image but at the same time she knew Jasmin was a good friend of he's before SidNaaz got closer ! :) ♥️
Jasmin:Soo Priyank huh ?🤩
Shehnaaz:Faking a smile aha Yeahh
Priyank Jstt stares at shehnaaz with an Smile while Sidharth fumed in anger He was holding a cup & Jstt Cos of hes range he took he's anger out on the cup he had been holding while the cup cracked & hes hand was covered in blood. :((
Shehnaaz instantly grabbed hes hands & helped him.

Sidharth's POV
I don't get it she pushes me away & says she likes Priyank but when it comes to me she leaves everything & anybody can't see me in pain what does she expect ? Maybe Cos I'm her Bestfrr Sidharth don't overthink this :(( 💔

End Of POV

Why is Shehnaaz acting strange are her feelings for Priyank back ?
Will this ruin the bond that shehnaaz & sidharth share ?💗
Why did the call leave shehnaaz in thoughts 💭 will she fall for Sidharth the way sidharth has started to fall for shehnaaz ?!
Keep reading too find out :)) 🥺❤️
Also do comment down ! <3

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