I Need Him ! 🖤

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(Read the authors note at the end) 💗

At 10:00 they bid Sidharth & Priyank Shehnaaz's Mum hugs both of them & Invites them over on Saturday again :)
Next dayy ! <3
Mahira & shehnaaz we're playing I dare you :))
Mahira & Shehnaaz had become real good friends after shehnaaz helped pahira get together ! 💕
Shehnaaz & Sidharth we're walking around & something pops into Shehnaaz's mind.
Sidharth:Haa Babyy ?
Shehnaaz:Where's the picture of Me & Vikas ?
Sidharth after a long pause:What'd you on about ?
Shehnaaz:Sidharth with a Cute Face scrunching her forehead preventing a thin line on her forehead !
Sidharth while putting he's hands over her shoulder:The thing is I don't like that pictures. Before you ask why I'll explain...The picture has you & Vikas .
Shehnaaz: Ironcally Jealous
Sidharth:Whats mine should only have Time,Attention & Love for me that includes pictures.
Shehnaaz:You Don't own me or my time & etc so don't need to be possessive.
Sidharth:Yk were a thing right
Shehnaaz:Yeahh but it's not like it's a actual thing
Sidharth:Wdym ?😶
Shehnaaz:Look I love you but as my Bestfrr & I like you as a crush. 🥺💗
but I don't want things to get rushed.
I'm gonna be honest with you there was some nights I would think maybe I love you but as a Bestfrr Sidharth. but I like you that doesn't mean you own all my time <3
Vikas is my friend as well & I love him as a Bestfrr but I like you as a crush so yk :)) 🥺💗
Sidharth:Do whatever you want idc seriously you always avoid things in ways I'm the type to not express but I am.
Shehnaaz: But sidharth you've only expressed it once
Sidharth:Once through words & a million times through actions for god sake everyone around you knows I treat you differently then other girls All my actions speak things my words can't. 🥺❤️
Shehnaaz:Bebuu ! 😚
Shehnaaz grabs Sidharth's hair & pulls it while Sidharth doesn't miss a chance to pull her hair Shehnaaz Grabs his hair & sits down crossing her legs All this is witnessed by there sports teacher adoring there Miny arguments ! <3
Shefali:Sidharth how about that movie ?
Sidharth:Today after school ?
Shefali:Yeahh Okayy
Shehnaaz:Can I join ?
Sidharth:No it's our plan
Shehnaaz:Okayy idm i guess Vikas it is :))
Sidharth:Actually Vikas will be going
Shehnaaz:You said it was your guys plan? 🥴
Shefali:Yeahh ?
Sidharth:Yup 3som
Shehnaaz:Fine idc I'll take Priyank or somebody to the movies or invite them for dinner.
Sidharth:None of that is happening
Sidharth:Yeahh Okayy idc
Sidharth & Shehnaaz had a class together they sat beside each other & things seemed different today shehnaaz felt as if things had changed ! :((
Lack of attention from Sidharth was something she hadn't felt since the very beginning.
Them being high school kids always had grudges on little things (Honestly high school can be a budge at times especially the different periods & things I think high schoolers or teenagers overthink too much ik how it feels) 🥴
After school Sidharth & Shehnaaz Walked by the middle gates Shehnaaz bid Sidharth a quick bye & left while Sidharth expected her to hug him but she left him & kept walking. 🧡
It had almost been a days or so shehnaaz & Mahi hasn't attended school for numerous reasons ! <3
Late at night shehnaaz had a headache but sleep couldn't get to her it was stressing. she watched a few videos while not feeling a vibe suddenly At night she started having strange thoughts(Overthinking actually kills you within. Mind games are the worst ironically it effects your mental Health) Shehnaaz held her head in frustration her hair a mess covering her face She grabbed a pillow & hugged it close to her chest feeling & thinking about Sidharth & he's comforting Hugs on a instant note she felt relief she diverted her mind with thoughts some bad but the only good was Sidharth's thoughts. The way he's hugs & he's consoling At That very moment she knew she didn't love him But she needed Him ! 🖤
(You's might think that this is all dramatic but trust me there are some people who overthink & there life is a mess there mind is bound to bring in random people divert them & make them more stressed but there's always this one thing that brings relief Stress & mind games only begins with depression & Anxiety) Shehnaaz Constantly holds the pillow closer if that was even possible. 🥰
Clutching the pillow She falls asleep as the warmth of the pillow dedicate Sidharth's Presences ! 💕
Shehnaaz this needs to stop she thought to herself !
She wakes up In the Morning she wasn't going to school today as she didn't feel like it. Her parents had given her & Mahi permission to stay home for a week She lazily woke up to the sound of her Mothers Heavenly voice & Smiled while her eyes were closed.
Mumma:I'm going to work your dads back & he will be leaving for work soon,take care & Have a good day she kissed her daughters forehead ! 💖
Shehnaaz:Bye,Have a good Dayy ! 💖
Mahi & Shehnaaz Vibe together the whole day ! 🖤
Sorry for not updating since ages
But plss comment down :) 🖤

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